S02E02 The Written Exam! Meeting the Aces of Spades!

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The clubhouse was bigger than Ash could have imagined, a series of large buildings all co-existing together upon a big plot of land that sat atop a cliff overlooking Spade City. The morning sun painted the buildings in natural light, as jacketed motorcycle riders entered and exited the lot. Ash and Shade walked through the gates and into the courtyard, where several Aces of Spades members were working on their bikes, chatting, laughing, and drinking their morning coffee.

"Finally," Shade said. "We made it."

An orange haired girl came out of a nearby building, stretching her arms with a yawn. She quickly noticed Ash and Shade, and ran up to them with open arms. She wrapped them around the two boys and pulled them into a close hug. She pulled back and smiled.

"I was beginning to think you two were lost!" Meadow exclaimed.

"We were lost," Shade answered. "Thanks to this dimwit."

"About time you guys made it!" A voice came from behind mixed with a revving engine.

They turned, and there was Scabs, entering the clubhouse on his motorcycle. He parked up and got off, walking over. As he neared them, he gave Ash a slap on the back, and the two pounded fists. He then shook Shade's hand and put his arms around them.

"You're just in time for breakfast too!"

Bolt and Kore then exited the clubhouse, and Bolt gave a wave, running over with a grin. Kore trailed behind with his arms folded, shaking his head.

"Well, you two certainly took your time," he said, looking at his wrist.

"Yeah," Bolt chimed in. "What happened?"

"I crashed my bike," Ash replied. "And Shade's just stopped working. We had to catch the bullet train to get here!"

Kore sighed. "Motorcycle riding is one of the most important aspects of being an Ace of Spades. Consider the first Prospect Trial failed for the both of you."

Shade took a step back, frowning. "But you never taught us how to even ride a motorcycle in the first place!"

Scabs stepped in, whispering to Kore. "Come on man, cut the kids some slack. They'll pick it up eventually."

"I don't make the rules," Kore replied. "The next trial will be a written test. But for now, let's head inside to the mess hall, breakfast will be ready soon."


Inside the mess hall, there were tables upon tables of Aces of Spades members waiting for their meals. Ash sat down at a table next to Meadow, who sat next to Bolt, who sat next to Shade. Across from them sat Kore and Scabs, the latter of whom had a growling stomach. He licked his lips eagerly as he asked Kore what was on the menu, who told him that it was bacon and eggs on toast.

"Aw," Ash complained. "I was hoping for something else."

"Like what?" Shade asked. "Snake eggs and bull steak?"

"That sounds delicious! Is that available?"

Kore stared at Ash with a huff. "Let me go find out."

Kore got up out of his seat as Ash began drooling at the thought of the strange meal. He then started looking around at all the different Aces of Spades, some of whom he recognized, and others he didn't. Scabs noticed him looking around and leaned in.

"See that guy over there?" He said. "That's Bill, he's the club's Treasurer."

He pointed over at an old man with a white ring around his head, and a handlebar mustache. Bill was playing a game of cards, throwing his final card down and calling out go fish. He had a patch on the front of his jacket that read, "TREASURER". Beside him sat a woman with big bushy white hair, around his age. She had a patch of her own, except hers read "SECRETARY".