S02E04 The Next Battle! Darkness vs. Lightning!

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"Once again, here is your winner of the first match," Red declared. "MEADOW!!!"

The audience continued cheering as Meadow raised her arms, a proud smile on her face. She looked out to see Ash but he was no longer standing outside the ring, and was nowhere to be seen. She looked over to where Stamos was sitting, and he was gone too, as was Blake. She frowned, where could they have gone? Ngaire was still there though, as was Kore and everybody else, all of them giving Meadow a round of applause. Meadow exited the ring and walked over to take her seat on the sidelines as Ngaire came over.

"That was one hell of a fight," Ngaire said with a smile. "You're really getting a grasp on your nature magic."

"I'm getting there, I hope to be as strong as you someday!" Meadow replied. "Where did Ash go though?"

"Don't worry too much about him, he'll be fine. He's getting looked over by the Doctor."

"Did I hurt him that badly?"

Ngaire chuckled. "I think you hurt his pride more than anything. Anyway, congratulations on making it through to the next round."

Meadow nodded as Ngaire went back to her seat. Red then ushered Shade and Bolt into the ring, who shook hands before getting their stances ready. Shade had his hand on the hilt of his shadow bokken, and Bolt reached around to grab an arrow from his quiver. The two boys had their eyes locked on each other, Shade was oozing confidence and Bolt still retained that mysterious smirk he had at breakfast in the mess hall. Meadow just couldn't figure it out. Why was Bolt not worried about not being able to use his powers?

Red rang the bell and Shade immediately unsheathed his shadow bokken and launched forwards, swinging his weapon and hitting Bolt square in the face. He then lifted his bokken above his head and brought it down on the top of Bolt's skull, knocking him to the ground. He then took a step back and waited for Bolt to get up, who seemed to be unconscious. Red started counting, declaring that Bolt had until the count of five to get to his feet. Shade was confident he had already won, raising an arm towards the crowd. He was wrong however, as Bolt got up at the count of two.

"You didn't really think you had me already, did you?" Bolt asked, once again reaching for an arrow.

He grabbed one, and leaned it against the grip of his arrow then pulled back the string and fired. Shade swatted the arrow away with his bokken, then Bolt quickly grabbed another one and did the same thing. Shade swatted that one away too, then another. Bolt was now down three arrows yet still had that mysterious smirk upon his face. Shade rushed forwards again, attempting a hit with the bokken but this time Bolt managed to step out of the way before grabbing another arrow.

"How do you think you're gonna beat me if you can't even use your powers?" Shade asked, taking a step to the side and readying his bokken.

"Huh?" Bolt replied with his own question. "You think I can't use my powers?"

Bolt smirked, and started moonwalking across the ring, the friction of his shoes against the ground sending sparks of electricity into the air. One of the sparks hit the tip of his circular tipped arrow, and engulfed it in electricity. He tilted his head, still smirking, Shade now clenching his teeth, moving his bokken to a blocking stance.

"What a mistake on your part, Shade..." Bolt said, as he fired his electric arrow.


Ash sat in the doctor's examination room with Stamos and Blake, waiting for the doctor to arrive. Ash was sitting on the bed, looking around, lots of things he didn't find much interest in. There was a tall lamp standing beside the bed, so he got up and stood next to it. He wasn't very impressed when he realized it was taller than him. Frustrated, he sat back down and folded his arms.