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Ngaire sat alone in the entertainment room of the Aces of Spades clubhouse, it had been rather quiet the last few days as Stamos had sent the majority of the club out on missions. The Prospects were around but they had been busy training and doing prospect stuff, so she had found herself with quite a bit of time on her hands. She was watching television, some daytime soap opera had just finished that she had actually found herself quite invested in. Would Jack choose to marry Sarah, or leave her at the altar and run away with Julia?

She was just about to reach over and grab the remote from the coffee table to turn the TV off when the daytime news came on. Intrigued by the first story, she put the remote down and continued to watch. The news anchor was talking about a traveling carnival, and how one of its biggest attractions was a greenhouse harboring various types of mystical plants, most notably, the gigantica dionaea muscipula.

"A giant venus flytrap?" Ngaire muttered to herself. "Interesting... I wonder..."

Then she remembered that she had heard of this carnival before, just briefly. It was right before Meadow and Bolt arrived at the clubhouse, she and Stamos were watching TV when the report came on, and he turned it off before she could finish watching. Then The Prospect Trials happened, and she had forgotten all about it.

"But not everybody's happy with the traveling carnival," the reporter went on. "As we interviewed young Rosie, a protestor of the carnival and animal rights enthusiast."

A young blonde girl appeared on the screen, her hair tied up in pigtails with red ribbons. She must have been no older than Ash and the other Prospects, if not perhaps a tad younger. The way she looked into the camera though was beyond her years, a sense of purpose burning in her eyes.

"This carnival has got to go!" Rosie barked, staring into the lens of the camera. "They're pitting animals against each other for crowd enjoyment! It's absolutely barbaric! How they're allowed to do such a thing is beyond me! These crooks should be locked up immediately! Or at least, the animals shouldn't be subjected to such treatment. Particularly, Leon the Lion, and Wily Wolf, the two of which are forced to fight one another inside of a cage! This happens every single night! It's appalling and I won't stop until they are freed!"

Wow, Ngaire thought to herself. You go girl! As Ngaire pondered, she realized that experiencing this carnival could be a way for the Prospects to celebrate their induction into the club, and perhaps more... Maybe their first real mission was unfolding right then and now. But Stamos would never allow it. Not if it meant putting the Prospects in potential danger. If Ngaire wanted this to work, then she would have to be very careful with the way she worded it to him. Or at least, bribe him with a box of donuts.