Why should I die?

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Edited bc grammar.

Tessa stepped backward and pushed N in front of her. He was aiming at Uzi, shaking, and his eyes opened widely. Her dark purple hair was shining in the moon's light. Uzi looked at him and frowned. She took a step forward. N, immediately after that, stepped backward.

"Oh! So now you're on her side?! Huh?" Uzi said it, not hesitating any second. She looked angry, but her eyes betrayed her. N could see her disappointment and how overwhelmed was by the fact that he wanted to kill her in her eyes. Almost seeing her soul dripping between her robotic joints.

N stepped backward one more time and wanted to lean the gun down, but Tessa touched his shoulder and looked deeply into his yellow eyes. He didn't take the eyes off Uzi.

Through Tessa's visor, there was no clue of any expression, even as hard as Uzi was trying to tell what she was thinking about. It was too dark.

She whispered with her british accent silently enough, so Uzi couldn't hear: " I can't do it, N. She's too powerful. The only who will let more easily kill her is you. Plus, she's almost indestructible. Use your nanite acid."

As the two were staring each other's eyes, which were lighting under the dark corner, Uzi realized that N was so scared of what he was doing just as a little cockroach.

They sat in silence for several seconds. Tessa whispered to him again something else, and after she finished, N aimed again to Uzi more confident but couldn't shoot. She could feel his fear from there and if she could have the ability, to smell it.

Uzi thought again before letting out a word. She thought about Cyn, about everything she had done or would do. N's scratch on the ground woke her to reality. She suddenly pinned her head to N's shotgun without thinking anymore. "Bite me! If you want me to die, then who else wouldn't? Blow my brains out!" She kept pushing her head against his gun. N tried to take it away, but Uzi grabbed his hand-designed-gun and placed it in front of her head.

"Push the trigger, idiot! Do it! Do it!" But he didn't do it. He looked towards Tessa, and she didn't even need to move a finger to make N understand that it would be the right thing to do.

"C'mon you, stupid! *punched him on the head* You murdered so many drones with cruelty and relentlessly, and now you can't kill me? A little freaking drone? A no one in this universe?"

When he heard that, he looked back towards her and started to sob. " But in my universe, you're almost everything."

Uzi muted. After some seconds, Tessa took her sword and stabbed her with it. Uzi frowned, revealed her organic wings, and grabbed Tessa's arm with her tail. It did not spare her with its sharp teeth at all. She flew far. Tessa was struggling to release herself but couldn't. N was watching fearfully and finally flew after them. Uzi released Tessa in the air, just right before N could reach her. "Uzi! What are you doing?!" He shouted.

Immediately after that, he went to save her. Tessa's arm was full of blood. He gently leaned her on the ground and flew back to Uzi.

"What were you thinking? She doesn't want to do any bad! The solver is dangerous! She just wants to save-" He said and Uzi interrupted him:

"Do you think that I'm the last?" She uttered and made a short gap "That after you kill me, The Solver will not find anybody else to infect? There are so many drones, N! And after all, you're a drone too! Do you think that if you're disassembled you can not be infected? She's gonna kill every drone until the last!" N wanted to say something but she interrupted him again, with a warmer tone. "If she wants to get rid of solver, she must kill directly it. It's like you want to make a puppeteer quit his job. Throwing away his marionette does not make him quit; he will just buy a new one!"

N muted and looked down to Tessa, who was holding her arm tightly to stop the bleeding. "But why did you want to kill her?"

Uzi looked down and confessed she doesn't know why and completed; "It was just instinctive." Her voice softly doused. After some seconds she snapped in a scornful tone with a hint of irony in it. "But she's suspicious so I would like to kill her anyway."

N looked down at her. "Tessa? She's trustable! Please don't hurt her."

Uzi groaned and frowned as she didnt ever before. "In my eyes, she remains a lame human. She wanted to kill me!" She adjusted her beanie while saying that.

"With good intentions though." He said as he was struggling to smile. "The Solver must be stopped!"

Uzi punched him again leaving her finger against his head. "Then why dont you kill me, idiot? You could easily make more friends."

"But it wouldn't be the same! I can't just- replace you! And.. you're right... I can't even think of murdering you, you didn't do anything bad willingly, even if you would..." he stopped and hugged her tightly. If Uzi could breathe, as a robot, she would already be suffocated to death. "...I couldn't do it..."

After N released her, she flew on a street lamp. She gently leaned on it with her back at him and held her tail in her hands to comfort herself. She was looking absently far into the snow. The sunrise was pretty close. N couldn't figure out if he was invited to the lamp, too. After some several seconds of waiting, Uzi looked towards him with her eyes narrowed, expresionless. Her gaze made him understand that she would like him to join. He flew on it. The sky was colored in red and blue shades. Her hair was shining into the purple light of the sky. He was looking at her, confused by the sudden change of the mood. She was looking at how beautiful the rising sun was.

"Umm, Uzi? Shouldn't we go?" He mumbled.

She didnt take her look from it and both started to burning slowly. "One more minute."

"In a minute you're gonna die! Come!" He grabbed her while saying this. "I'm going to tell Tessa what you said."

Heyyy guys, wanna me make a comic abt this?

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