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The checkered flag finally fell under the safety car, signaling an end to what turned out to be a chaotic and dangerous race. Charles Leclerc emerged as the winner, his eyes glowing with adrenaline-fueled victory as he crossed the finish line. Behind him, George Russell fought to hold onto second place, his heart racing in his chest as he narrowly avoided a collision. In third place was Carlos Sainz, his body shaking with both exhaustion and excitement.

But the atmosphere in the paddock was somber and tense. The victory celebrations were muted and overshadowed by the haunting image of Lando Norris's injured body being lifted from the wreckage. Whispers and worried faces spread like wildfire through the crowds as news of his condition slowly trickled out. Every team member held their breath, hoping for positive updates, but bracing themselves for the worst. The thrill of victory suddenly paled in comparison to the fear and concern for their fellow driver.

George carefully maneuvered his car into parc fermé, the designated area for the top 3 race finishers to park their vehicles. The thrill of a podium finish bubbled within him, but it was concealed by the constant worry for his friends. In any other circumstance, he would have eagerly leapt out of the car and embraced the result, but now all he could think about was rushing to the hospital to be by Lando and Marion's side. His thoughts were consumed with them, as if every turn and gear shift on the track had been solely for the two of them.

The flashes of the crash replayed in his mind just as it happened only minutes ago in front of his eyes, each detail etched into his memory like a scar. A split second decision on his part narrowly avoiding becoming entangled in the collision. The screeching tires, the shattering of metal, the smell of burning rubber - all of it still lingered in the air around him. He could feel his heart hammering in his chest, adrenaline coursing through his veins as he swerved to safety.

As the dust settled and the chaos ensued around him, George braced himself for what he might see. His breath caught in his throat as he laid eyes on the mangled wreckage of the cars involved. The image of Lando's limp body being carried away haunted him, and he couldn't shake off the feeling of dread that gripped his heart.

Stepping out of his Mercedes, he felt a heavy weight settle in his chest, the cheers of the crowd sounding distant and muffled. He approached his team members, who cheerfully welcomed him back with pats on the back and congratulatory smiles, but his mind was not with them.

"Where is Marion? Was she here when it happened? Get me my phone, I need to call her," George said, his voice urgent as he scanned the area for any sign of her.

"You will do no such thing," the voice of George's PR agent cut through like a knife. "She is with the McLaren team, George. Let them handle this. Your focus right now should be on the post-race activities." His PR advised, a stern look in her eyes.

"Linda, give me my phone," George insisted, his tone unwavering as he reached out a hand.

"No." she emphasized.

Linda's refusal only fueled George's determination to get in touch with Marion, his worry for her and Lando gnawing at him. "My best friend could be fighting for his life right now and the other is probably out of her mind with worry. Do you really expect me to stand here and smile for the cameras while everything falls apart around us? Do you have any idea what they mean to me?" George's voice rose with each word, his frustration boiling over.

"Actually," Linda started, "that's exactly what I expect you to do. And that is your cue for the post-race interview. Now is not the time for you to lose your composure, George. Put a smile on your face and make your answers look sincere. You can deal with personal matters later." she said firmly.

George's jaw clenched as he fought the urge to argue further. He knew Linda was just doing her job, trying to maintain his public image in the midst of chaos, but that was the least of his worries now. With a deep breath, he reluctantly nodded, turning towards the interviewer.

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