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Upon getting discharged from the medical center for further check ups, Pierre was relieved of his post race media duties. Instead, he was sent back to the hotel to rest and recover from the shock of the accident. He was also advised to stay off social media for the time being. Later, his PR team will send him a carefully constructed statement addressing the incident to post at scheduled time. But sitting alone in his hotel room and bored out of his mind, Gasly couldn't resist the temptation to scroll through his Twitter feed.

Curiosity killed the cat. What he saw made his heart sink. The outpouring of support for Lando was overwhelming, fans and fellow drivers alike sending their well wishes for a speedy recovery. But that is not what made his chest clench. Among the sea of positive messages, there were also hateful comments directed at him, blaming him for the accident and accusing him of reckless driving.

He was looking for it, he expected it, but he didn't think it would be that bad. He almost wished he listened to the advice his team gave him, but he needed to know. To know what he was up against. One after another, the hurtful comments gnawed at Pierre's conscience, each word a sharp dagger that pierced his already fragile state of mind. No amount of physical pain could match the agony of receiving death threats and insults from anonymous online trolls.

And just before he began to spiral into a dark pit of despair - every next word another tentacle wrapped around his limb pulling him deeper under - a knock on the door was like a lifebelt thrown at the last moment of drowning.

Pierre hesitated before getting up to answer it, unsure who could possibly be seeking him out after the race. Opening the door tentatively, he was relieved to see Charles standing there. Of course, who else could it be? He may have been popular, but he wasn't so popular among the drivers. He opened the door more widely, a big smile immediately plastered on his face.

"There's our race winner!" Pierre shouted, pulling him in a bro hug. "I didn't even get to congratulate you. How are you feeling?"

Charles returned the hug awkwardly, but still warmly, his eyes reflecting a mix of relief and concern for his friend. "How am I feeling? You were involved in a crash, Pierre, how are you feeling?"

"I'm okay, Charles. A bit shaken, but alright. Really glad to see you here though," he replied, putting a hand on Charles' shoulder. "How does it feel to win at home?"

Charles paused for a moment, his smile faltering as he took in the sight of his friend standing before him. Pierre was obviously going through so much more than he put on, trying to steer the conversation away from him. "It's bittersweet, Pierre. Winning at Monaco is a dream come true, but not under these circumstances."

Pierre nodded, understanding the weight of the situation they were in. "I know what you mean, Charles. It's a tough day for all of us." He gestured for Charles to come inside, and they settled down on the couch.

"For some more than the others," Charles breathed out, his expression turning serious. "How are you really holding up?" he tried again.

"I said I'm fine." Pierre gritted, a hint of annoyance evident in his tone.

Charles pursed his lips slightly, thinking about how to approach this situation from a different angle. With a gentle sigh, he decided there wasn't anything better than to broach the topic head-on.

"Listen, Pierre," he began steadily, but still unsure. "I saw what's said online about you and I just wanted to say don't blame yourself, it wasn't-"

"Do I look like I'm blaming myself?!" Pierre interrupted. "It was a damn racing incident! There's nothing I could've done!" he fumed, his chest heaving with every word. "And damn right it wasn't my fault!" he added at last.

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