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Marion started, then stuttered. She didn't know what word to utter first, but she was sure of her actions when she began swatting her hands at George. "Why didn't you tell me? Why didn't you call me?! I would have come straight away-"

Luckily for George and the quick reflexes he built over the years, he was able to catch her wrists before her fists even landed on him. "Marion, that's exactly why I didn't call you. He's been in and out of consciousness all night and the doctors only confirmed he's fully aware earlier this morning. I didn't want to wake you up for nothing. You needed your rest and he needed his."

Marion grunted in frustration and crossed her arms. "Still, you should've told me the moment I walked in."

"Right, I'm sorry, I should've." he scratched the back of his head sheepishly. "But you were also kinda in the moment of thanking me, and I didn't want to ruin that."

George earned himself another swat from Marion before she softened and dropped her arms, relenting to his reasoning. She knew he was only trying to look out for both her and Lando. "Alright, fine, fine. I'll go see him now." She spoke with urgency, her heart beating fast at the thought of finally seeing Lando awake after the nerve-wracking night.

George stood up, gesturing for Marion to follow as he led her to the door of Lando's room. "He might be asleep, he's heavily medicated as you know..."

"I don't care, I want to be there when he opens his eyes again. As I should've been the first time." Marion pushed the door open, the hinges squeaking softly in protest. The room was dimly lit, the curtains drawn to filter the harsh sunlight that threatened to intrude upon the peaceful atmosphere within.

Her eyes immediately fell on Lando lying in the hospital bed. He looked a little better compared to yesterday, his face a bit more relaxed and with a bit more color. But the network of tubes and wires attached to his body, monitoring his every breath and heartbeat still made Marion's heart clench, her throat tightening with emotion.

With a hesitant step, she walked towards the side of the bed where Lando lay. Her heart was racing as she reached out with a trembling hand to brush a strand of hair away from his forehead. She leaned in close and pressed her lips gently against his skin, feeling the warmth beneath her touch, a reassuring sign that he was indeed alive and on the road to recovery.

"Baby," Marion whispered. "I'm here, baby." she sat down on a chair beside him and took his hand - the one that wasn't broken.

For a moment, everything seemed to stand still as Marion gazed at his peaceful face, willing him to wake up and look at her with those beautiful green eyes that always had a spark of life and laughter. She felt tears pricking at the corners of her eyes, threatening to spill over.

And then, as if in response to her voice, Lando stirred slightly, his eyes moving under his eyelids. Marion's heart skipped a beat at his sudden move, even if it was so small that it was hardly noticeable. She held her breath, her eyes widening with hope as she watched for any further signs of consciousness from him. But that was just it.

Letting out a shaky breath, she raised his hand and put it up against her cheek. She pressed it so hard against her skin like she was trying to memorize the roughness and smoothness of his own. She kissed his fingertips softly, each peck a silent prayer for him to come back to her.

Time seemed to slow down in that moment of tenderness, the only sound in the room the quiet beeping of the machines surrounding Lando's bed. Marion closed her eyes, willing all her love and strength to flow from her and into him, hoping beyond hope that he would somehow feel her presence.

She sat there, lost in her own thoughts and feelings, when a faint pressure on her hand made her snap out of it. Lando's fingers twitched against hers, a small but significant movement. Tears welled up in her eyes as she watched Lando's eyelids flutter, his brow furrowing slightly as if he was trying to wake up from a deep sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09 ⏰

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