Chapter 1

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"I'm telling you Boomer, they are all gone

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"I'm telling you Boomer, they are all gone. Concord. Jared, down at Corvega. Even Ack-Ack at the old Olivia Satellite Station just over the ridge. Every Raider stronghold between here and Covenent has been wiped out. It's only a matter of time before you're hit way up here," Stash says between drags of her cigarette.

"I don't buy it. It can't be one guy and if it is...I've got a nice mini nuke right here with his name on it," Boomer answers with a wicked, yellow stained grin.

"Won't be enough."

"What did you say!?" Boomer growls to the waste of space leaning against the shack wall behind Stash.

"It. Won't. Be. Enough. Did you fucking hear me that time old man?!" Simon growls back. It takes everything in me to remain still and not roll my eyes at the absurdity of the situation. Fucking traveling chem dealers and their shitty attitudes. Always have to come in here and rile up the boss man.

"Stash. Leash your fucking dog before he loses his balls," Boomer warns the skinny blonde. Stash tosses Simon a Jet. Even a deadman wouldn't ignore the look she gives him. It was a clear enough command, even to an unobservant person. Simon grumbles under his breath but pushes himself off the wall and heads down the hill towards the lower trailer. There's an instant shift in the air.

"Boomer..." Stash pauses...clearly thinking about how to word her next sentence. "Just watch your back, Ack-Ack had a minigun. Jared had an ENTIRE four story compound of Raiders and you know as well as I do how fortified Cain left Concord before heading to NukaWorld. A Fat Man isn't going to cut it."

"We can handle it," he replies, simply dismissing her information. 

I lean back against the stairwell and stare up at the darkening sky. I let my mind wander as Stash and Boomer continue their bickering, but it wasn't noteworthy. After what feels like hours, she finally rolls her shoulders with an audible pop before exiting the shack. As soon as she is out of earshot, Boomer turns his full attention to me.

"Lex. Recon. Now."

"You got it old man," I snark back as I push easily to my feet and jump from the fourth stair I've been lounging on landing heavy for dramatic effect.

"I will shoot you," he grates out of clenched teeth.

"You'd miss me too much," I say easily.

"Just shut the fuck up and go," he snaps.

"I'll be back in a couple days," I say as I slip out the doorway. His serious voice draws my attention back. He doesn't use the direct order tone on me very often. Stash's story must have spooked him.

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