Chapter 4

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I close the door to my room and rest my forehead against it. My mind is completely blank, but also so completely overloaded at the same time. I have a sudden urge to smack myself for the decisions I have made over the last 48 hours. I have never had an urge to leave the Outpost, even before it was a settlement. I never really had an urge to do anything for that matter. I've followed the path others have laid out before me. Frankly, the only real influential decision I've made in my life was the one I made two minutes ago just outside the door. I take a deep breath and turn around.

I am not scared to leave. I also don't have anywhere I care to be. Outpost Zimonja was my home for as long as I can remember, but I don't miss it either. That room feels like the one I am standing in right now. I feel like I have nothing of my own, but at the same time I have no drive to change that. I've played the parts I was given. I guess I've never really found a reason to care or something I wanted to be a part of.

All the people I've met over the last two days have been brought together by one person. How does one guy win the admiration of such a variety of people? It's just not real life. One man can not bring together a BoS Paladin, a couple Railroad agents, a Raider, and a Minuteman without conflict. It's like a weird little cult and I don't belong here.

A funny thought hits me, I am dying to know why. Why? Why do they all forgive him for his past? How do Raiders and genocidal soldiers fit into the perfect little world he's built? I need to find the flaming pile of bodies hidden behind the pretty family picture.

I grab my backpack from the floor and make sure I pack all my stuff, it doesn't take long. It's not like I have a lot of stuff. I grab the extra supplies from the foot locker too. It can't hurt. I'm feeling a bit tired from the day's work, but the food and the caffeine I had at dinner should keep me going for a while. It's not like I haven't pulled an all-nighter before. Traveling at night can be quicker sometimes, especially if you know how to keep from being seen. Deacon won't be a problem in that area. He might even be better than me.

I head out into the night and notice that Preston has moved to the post on his watchtower. He tosses me a bag when he sees me exit the gate and nods his head. I catch it and recognize the jingle of caps.

"Sturges wanted me to give those to you, for your help today."

"Thanks Preston,"

"We look out for each other around here," he responds simply.

"Ready to hit the road," Deacon says as he magically appears beside me. It takes everything in my body to control my surprise. Damnit. He really might be better than me.

"Yea, where are we headed?"

"First stop is Starlight Drive-in for supplies, they've got a few shops that are open 24 hours there. Then if we make it to Grey Garden we can take a few hours to recharge. Those robots have the best power stations...ha...see what I did there."

"Ok. I'll follow your lead, just don't ask me to help you with your plug." I say. Deacon pauses, but quickly cracks a smile.

"Oh my god, there's two of you." Preston says with a groan.

"Lexi the Settler's got jokes. This is going to be a more exciting trip than I thought," Deacon says with a smirk.


The best part about traveling at night is the silence. Deacon and I had no issues on the way to Starlight. We stuck to the shadows and made as little noise as possible. Once inside the settlement Deacon headed towards one of the Settlers to get access to Nate's store room. We stocked up on purified water and Mole Rat jerky.

"Nate and Piper didn't come through here. Lee would have seen them. After our stop at Grey Garden I think we should head for Diamond City. Piper lives there with her sister, Nat. It's probably the best place to look for a real lead. Have you ever been?" Deacon asks.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16 ⏰

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