Your beautiful face (PILOT STORY!!!!)

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A wedding ceremony was not ideal, I was hoping to sign the papers and get it done with... I don't have much interest in big events or being the center of attention yet here I am.
How did Kaveh convince me to do this again?

as I read my pre-written vows I notice kaveh's red eyes are watery, he's crying. He mutters under his breath how I finally learned how to be romantic.
Kaveh's eyes were like the blood sea, they represented his strength and perseverance. I always admired that.
I couldn't help but have a smile tug at my lips, this all feels so bittersweet. Too good to be true.

"Al Haitham, do you take Kaveh as your husband till death do you part? through sickness and through health?"

I do, what a silly question. Of course I do.

"Kaveh, do you take Al Haitham as your husband till death do you part? Through sickness and through health?"

"I do."

Till death do us part, the words I repeat in my head multiple times as I receive the news of Kaveh's passing.
They were too late to get him to a healer, even if he managed to get to that point it's likely he'd die anyways. His injuries were too severe.

Entering the place I once called home made me feel like the life was draining from me, I hadn't seen kaveh since his expedition to the desert two days ago.
All of the deaths I've experienced I was right there with them, my parents, my grandmother.
I didn't know where to put my hands as I laid down where kaveh would lay beside me.
I couldn't get myself to cry despite my insides feeling like they were ripping apart
despite the fact I felt like I couldn't move past this
despite the fact I felt like I lost the last person who'd ever love me.
I'm a lost cause at this point.

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