Conflicting Perspectives

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[ I just want to start this chapter with a quick disclaimer. There will be two prominent ships in this fanfiction. Not for fluff reasons but purely for plot and to move the story along. One being Danny x Jason. And considering how romance isn't my strong point, it could be taken as just .. a really close friendship. At least up until certain scenes. And even then, you could most likely skip past them. The second ship won't happen for .. a while ]

Chapter Eight

"In everybody's life there's a point of no return. And in a very few cases, a point where you can't go forward anymore. And when we reach that point, all we can do is quietly accept the fact. That's how we survive."
― Haruki Murakami, Kafka on the Shore

‿︵‿︵୨˚̣̣̣͙୧ - - ୨˚̣̣̣͙୧‿︵‿︵


Jason blinked, his brow furrowing slightly as he processed the unexpected murmur. "What was that?"

Danny let out a shaky breath, his gaze drifting pensively. "Ectoplasm," he repeated, the word carrying a weight of frustration. "Glowing and green, like water .. It's too thin here in Gotham... maybe if I was in—" He halted abruptly, cutting himself off before completing his thought. "Maybe if I had more ectoplasm, o-or an ecto-dejector .. I'd be able to... to transform."

"Ectoplasm..." Jason echoed softly to himself, the word stirring distant memories buried deep within his consciousness. Although hazy, he vaguely recalled that ectoplasm was purportedly omnipresent—albeit very thin when outside the realms.

But finding sufficient ectoplasm in the heart of Gotham posed a formidable challenge. Where would they—no. Where would he even begin to search?

As the gears of his mind turned, Jason felt the stirrings of an idea taking shape—a risky proposition, but at least it had been an idea.

"What if.."

He paused, allowing the idea to fully fully in his mind before daring to voice it aloud.

Although it was a risky one. He knew he shouldn't suggest it, but it was the only thing he could think of.

"What if the ectoplasm doesn't need to be pure?" he ventured, his voice tinged with uncertainty. It was a long shot, he knew, he didn't even know if *it* was actually ectoplasm or not. But in their desperate situation, they couldn't afford to dismiss any possibility without thorough consideration.

But what else screams ectoplasm besides glowing green substance? It's just boiling in his case, swirling with an ominous energy that seemed both familiar and foreign. And it harms the living .. okay, maybe it wasn't ectoplasm. But it was the only idea he had.


"In Gotham, there are bodies of water called Lazarus Pits," he began, the words forming slowly as he wrestled with uncertainty. "They fit the glowing green substance part. But it's more like slime than water. Don't know if that'll do ya more harm than good though," Jason offered unconfidently, his brow furrowed in thought.

"No.. no.. It wont—" Danny paused slightly, his mind racing to process this new information. "I think It won't work.. from what you've told me, it's probably corrupted ectoplasm."

Jason sighed annoyed, frustration evident, "Well I don't have any other ideas, Danny."

Danny lowered his eyes, a pang of guilt gnawing at his insides more painfully than his actual injuries, "Sorry.."

ason waved a hand dismissively, attempting to shake off the tension that hung in the air. "No—no. It's fine. Just gettin' irritated at the situation, not you."

Phantom on the Shore - A Batman X Danny Phantom Crossover fanficWhere stories live. Discover now