found me

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Several days passed since I was reunited with my brother thanks to Dylan's help and even though he kept a close eye on me it wasn't enough to keep Dallas away, I was in the mall with them. I was standing in a dressing room when I felt a hand quickly cover my mouth and I looked in the mirror and seen Dallas standing behind me.

Dallas: if you scream, I will be forced to hurt you and I don't want to do that to the mother of my child.

Rayna: please just leave me alone.

Dallas: you know that I can't do that, you're important to me baby and I want you to come back home with me.

I was about to say something when I heard Dylan say something after he knocked on the door, I sent him a quick text while Dallas was distracted by the choice of clothes I picked out and explained that I needed help and unlocked the door so Dylan could come in.

Dallas: are you trying to look sexy for me baby?

Dylan: she's not your baby and I think you need to leave before you regret being in here with her.

I hid behind Dylan after I felt him nudge me and I gently grabbed his hand while he spoke to Dallas.

Dallas: this isn't over baby girl, I will have you again.

He quickly left after he said that to me but I didn't let him see that I was scared until he was out of sight.

Rayna: he isn't going to stop looking for me. I should just fly back to my home country.

Dylan: I promise that I will protect you Rayna, stay with me.

Rayna: he has friends who will help him Dylan, you can't fight them alone and I don't want anything bad happening to you.

Dylan: nothing is going to happen to you or me, I have friends too and I'm not going to let him or any of his friends hurt you.

Rayna: you barely know me, why are you doing this for me?

Dylan: because I...

Dennis: hey Rayna, I hate rushing off but I have to be somewhere in an hour. Are you going to be okay without me for a few days?

Rayna: yeah, go take care of whatever you need to do.

I watched as Dennis left after giving me a few hundred dollars to buy what I needed along with food for Dylan and I for dinner tonight. I couldn't help but notice how quiet Dylan was for the rest of the day and the night

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