making plans

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I had seen her walking around the mall with a guy who looked four years older than her which only made me angry since she was my girl. I watched as she stepped inside a changing room and I knew it was my only chance to get her alone.

Dallas: if you scream, I will be forced to hurt you and I don't want to do that to the mother of my child.

Rayna: please just leave me alone.

Dallas: you know that I can't do that, you're important to me baby and I want you to come back home with me.

I seen the clothing that she had picked out which was something that I thought would look great on her...

Dallas: are you trying to look sexy for me baby?

Dylan: she's not your baby and I think you need to leave before you regret being in here with her.

Dallas: this isn't over baby girl, I will have you again.

I quickly left and headed back home so I could make plans to bring her back here, I knew it would probably take a few days or more but she would eventually be back in my arms where she belonged. I had been sitting in my office when I seen Jesse and the other three walk into the room and sat down in the chairs that was here.

Jesse: did you find her Dallas?

Dallas: yeah but she's with another guy, I need to make a plan to get her away from him so I can bring her back here where she belongs. I don't want this guy raising our child.

Matthew: what if she goes to the police and tells them what we did to her?

Dallas: I don't think she will do that.

Josh: I think we should find another female and forget about the one you're interested in Dallas, she's not worth spending time behind bars.

Dallas: you guys can do what you want but I will have her next to me again along with our child.

Seth: I agree with Josh, we should get our own females instead of going after one.

Dallas: you guys can get your own females, just don't let anyone see you.

I watched as they left and I continued forming a plan to get Rayna back so we could raise our child together.

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