Chapter 5 - Chelsea's POV

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"Come on, Chels!" Harper yelled from across the hall. "You're gonna be late for your own birthday party!"

It was my 21st birthday and we were going to the club to celebrate. Although I was not the 'clubbing type', Harper insisted that we go out for an 'authentic' experience. I really tried to fight it, but I knew how Harper got when she didn't get her way. She would throw a tantrum, until I caved. I decided it was best to just avoid the tantrum and cave like I would, eventually.

Harper took me shopping the other day as an early birthday present. I got a bunch of cute outfits that were rather revealing. The one I chose to wear tonight was a black skin tight spaghetti strap dress. It hugged me in all the right places and I felt confident. It wasn't too short though, because I did plan on dancing. I mean, obviously, it was a club. My wavy hair was let loose and touched my mid-back. I actually did my makeup, only slightly. Just a little concealer and mascara did the job just fine.

When we arrived at the club, I was already starting to feel claustrophobic. The music was louder than I expected it to be. I had to keep yelling just for Harper to hear me. At some point, I decided that the alcohol might soothe my nerves and help me loosen up. My friends brought back shots and I divulged. Two shots in and I already feel better. Sometime throughout the night, Harper dragged me to the dance floor and we were feeling ourselves. I don't remember ever feeling that confident in my own skin. Maybe it was the alcohol. I only had like 4...wait no 5 shots? Maybe, I lost count. Ooops.

Blake promised that he'd show up to my party after work which turned out to be 2 hours into it. By that point, I had no clue how much I had to drink. When he walked through that door, I made eye contact with him from the dance floor and stumbled my way over to tackle him with a hug. "Ughh, babe. I've missed you! You missed out on so much of the fun!" I whined.

"Hi, to you too." He chuckled. "How much have you had to drink miss birthday girl?"

"I-uh that's a good question." I uncontrollably giggled, until he grabbed my shoulders and shook me.

"Babe, seriously! This isn't funny. You are being irresponsible." He scolded me.

"I'm just having fun." I seriously couldn't control my laughter. Everything he was saying sounded so ridiculously hilarious. "You don't have to be lame, you know? You can have some fun too." I whispered into his ear suppressing the giggle this time.

I don't know what I did wrong, but the next thing I knew was his hand was gripping my wrist tight. It actually started to sting. As I winced, he growled, "We are leaving. Now!" I tried to wiggle my arm free but the more I fought it the tighter his grip became. "Stop, Chels. You're causing a scene."

"Let me go, Blake! You're the one causing a scene!"

Then, I tried to pry his grip off with my other hand in hopes that I'd be strong enough to free myself. However, I was very wrong, because the more I fought, the more pissed he became. He pulled on both my arms, turning me around, with my back against his chest. He definitely had a firmer hold on me this way, and I knew I had no way out of this. Instead of storming out the building with me, he decided to have a little fun. He nuzzled his nose into my neck, and then nibbled on my ear saying, "Mmmm, you like that, babe?"

"Not at the moment, no." I huffed.

He started to give me a hickey and asked, "What about now?"

"No, Blake. I don't like it. Now, could you please let go of me?"

"No. If you're going to embarrass me in public, then I'm going to embarrass you." Although I couldn't see his face, I could tell he was grinning. He always got what he wanted and I was too tired to argue. I felt the alcohol taking over as I passed out in Blake's strong hold.

* * *

A splitting headache woke me up, and the room was spinning. My eyes tried to adjust to the light, but it was blinding. I blinked once and rubbed my eyes, slowly taking in the world around me. I blinked again just to make sure I wasn't losing my mind. I was in a bed, under the sheets, but those weren't my sheets. I was in a bedroom, but it wasn't my room. The air smelt masculine, but sweet.

Then, I started to panic when I lifted the covers to realize I was only in my underwear. I looked around the room that clearly wasn't Blake's and knew he'd kill me when he found out. I don't even remember how I got here though. All I know is I needed to find some clothes. As I crawled out of the bed, I saw a nightstand with a clean t-shirt, glass of water, ibuprofen, and a sticky note that said for the splitting headache and here's a clean shirt for you to borrow. I instantly snatched the shirt and slipped it on. The scent of sweet masculinity surrounded my bare chest and I swear it's the best thing I've ever smelt. Quickly, I downed the pills and gulped hoping that it wouldn't come back up.

Feeling the sudden urge in my bladder, I decided to wander to a restroom. Of course, I had no clue where I was going, but I knew that eventually I'd come across a place to relieve myself. I creaked open the door of the bedroom I was staying in, and saw a small hallway to my left and what appeared to be a living room on my right. Surely there must be a bathroom down that hallway? Empty walls lead me to the option of two doors. One of these must be a bathroom? I opened the door on my right, only to find another bedroom. I sighed, please be a bathroom. I turned the knob and held my breath.

I must be dreaming. It's a dream. This can't be real. I blinked thinking that maybe I was seeing things. But when he didn't disappear I was forced to come to terms with reality.

Nick is standing in the middle of the bathroom shirtless, as my jaw dropped wide open. What the actual fuck?

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