Chapter 2- Where we Live

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Anakin and Laika arrived to where we live. Parking their motorcycles, and taking off their helmets. Anakin goes off ahead of her. Laika watches him go on with a skeptical look. Suspecting something is wrong with the boy. He passes by a few tribes, without any word. Ignoring some greetings from them. Happy that he and Laika had a safe return.

Laika walks along, and is greeted by Mina, the bug lover. "What's wrong with Anakin? I was saying hello to him, but he just kept walking." Mina wonders. "Let's just say he's not in the mood to talk. He's got something on his mind that he couldn't ignore." Laika replied. "Is his heart not feeling well?" Mina asked. "Worse, it left a mark on his vulnerable heart. It bled, then it became a scar. A scar that won't heal until he puts an event behind him." Laika explains.

"I hope he's okay. This isn't like him to be like this." Mina adjusts her glasses. Laika looked where he was walking. Still watching him from afar.

Anakin continues to walk. Not batting an eye on anyone, not interested to talk to anyone. "Anakin." He sees it was only Alm, his middle brother. "How's training been?" Alm asked. Anakin just walked past him. He stopped for a moment, and turned his back. "It was rough." And that's all he said before going back to walking. Leaving his middle brother confused. "What was that all about?" Alm said. "Hey." Alm turns around to see it was his little brother, and puppy with him.

"Was that Anakin? Does it mean it was only mom and your brother that are back?" Puppy asked. "Uh, yeah. I saw him just moments ago." Alm said. "Did anything happen? Did he say something?" Puppy kept asking. "Whoa, slow down. I don't know. But I think something is not right." Alm said. "What do you mean?" Ron wondered.

"I don't know, that's what I am curious about." Alm said. "Leave him be, he needs all the time for himself." They see Laika, Puppy's mom. Puppy runs with joy as she goes to hug her mom. "Mommy!" Puppy cried. "Hey puppy, did you have fun? You didn't play too rough on Ron did ya?" Laika asked. "I didn't, we were only just throwing some pieces of rocks." Puppy said.

"Good, The least I wanna see is another claw mark on a boy cub." Laika said. Alm snickers when she calls Ron a boy cub. Ron did not like that nickname. "For pete sake, stop calling me that. And that was a year ago. Besides, it was an accident." Ron tries not to be embarrassed by that nickname while he defends Puppy.

"Ron, mom is right. I played so rough I scratched your arm. At least Max wasn't too mad about this. But my mom? She's very scary when she gets mad." Puppy said.

"If my line gets crossed, that's when you know you picked the wrong road." Laika scowls in an attempt to make a scare tactic. Alm already gets the memo after hearing that tone of her voice. "Oh you bet. I think I'll just say hello to Zooey-" Laika immediately locks her eyes to Alm. Stopping him in his tracks. "Puppy, Ron, go play." Laika tells them in a serious tone.

Ron and Puppy look at each other for a short moment. "Sure mom." Puppy said. "Yes ma'am." Ron nodded. Ron and puppy did as they were told, and left. Leaving Alm with Laika.

Now Alm is left with a Coyote woman, glaring daggers at him. Alm is already nervous since he knew her back when he was little. He knows what she's capable of. After some silence, Laika speaks. "Alm. You're at the age where you can fight. But convince me, can you?" Laika asked him. "Yes I can, but I lack the ability. I want to learn." Alm said.

Laika stares at him for a second. "Like your big brother?" How do I know if you can without being careless, or be even more of a hot headed idiot, Like Jakob was. When a nerve is struck, it can set you off. I know rage can be strong. But it can make you vulnerable. Your brother however." She pauses. "Is letting his emotions weaken him.

I can say the same for myself, otherwise I would be a hypocrite. Would be really pissed if anything happened to my daughter. Would you feel the same if it was your family?" Laika waited for his answer. "If anything, yes. I would be very angry if anyone, or the birds mess with my family." Alm says as he tries to sound tough. The coyote woman nodded in approval. "Good answer. I'll check on your father, I will ask him about training you." Laika replies.

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