Episode 06: Sempiternal Being

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Season 01: An Unexpected yet Horrific Discovery

_Penelope_: Casualties are high sir.
_Apateonas_: As expected. Our elite squad members are able to eliminate the alien troops but they alone are not enough to defend Peripheria. Moreover, the weaker elite squad members are struggling to retaliate. At this rate, Peripheria might fall... Penelope, our reinforcements?
_Penelope_: ETA 15 hours, sir.
_Apateonas_: This is not looking good. Wait... Where is professor Einstein?
_Penelope_: I can't contact him sir.
_Apateonas_: Can you track him?
_Penelope_: No sir. But based on my calculations he could be in Sotiría.
_Apateonas_: I see. Send Congelatio to Sotiría.
_Penelope_: Roger. Should I get someone to fight in place of him?
_Apateonas_: No need. I'll fight in his place. Prepare my equipment.
_Penelope_: Understood.
_Apateonas_: (if only Epimelitéas was still here.. I would want to search for the professor myself but I can't leave Xavier in this hard time) 
_Congelatio_: Understood.
_Penelope_: Your equipment is ready, General Boras. I'll provide you with defensive support from the base.
_Apateonas_: Thank you Penelope but it would be rude to call it MY equipment. This weapon is far greater than any average equipment... Azalia's signature weapon: Gladius Magnus Type Ω, the seventh Theïkós weapon of this era. Azalia might not be here but her glory will forever shine as this blade.

Apateonas flies towards a horde of alien forces and floats between their ground and air forces. The alien attacks are deflected by Penelope.

_Apateonas_: Gladius.. Activate!

Just unsheathing the Gladius Magnus Type Ω creates a massive explosion causing the entire alien forces around the base to be wholly wiped out.

_Apateonas_: ... Now then... Let the storm begin!

Meanwhile on the planet Sotiría

???: You sure are good at fighting.
???: I'm talking to you, Tartarus.
"Tartarus": אני מופתע שאתה יודע את שמי... אתה בטח חכם. אבל מי אתה?
???: Oh? I didn't introduce myself? How impolite of me.
_Issac_: My name is Isaac Einstein, nice to meet you.
"Tartarus": זה משעשע. ובכן, יצור חכם, איך אוכל לעזור לך?
_Issac_: Ah you're too kind. I don't need any help.
"Tartarus": האמנם? אז למה שלא אשאל אותך שאלה? איך אתה יודע את שמי?
_Issac_: Oh.. I'm surprised you don't know.. is this because of that wicked God?
"Tartarus": האדס..... אז זה היה הוא!?
_Issac_: I'm glad you at least know who was behind this.
"Tartarus": יצור חכם.. עזוב. עַכשָׁיו!
_Issac_: Alright, fine...

Issac took out some kind of device from his inventory and created a portal.

_Issac_: But do keep this in mind– She won't die in your hands.
"Tartarus": ..?
* Issac leaves through the portal *

Congelatio arrives in Sotiría

_Congelatio_: E squad 4, this is Chronis, do you read?
E squad 4: Yes sir.
_Alexander_: What's the matter sir Chronis?
_Congelatio_: I'm here to search for Professor Einstein. Do you have a lead?
_Alexander_: The professor? What happened?
_Congelatio_: He said he had some important business to attend to but we lost contact with him after the aliens attacked.
_Alexander_: I see. We will keep our eyes peeled for any clues.
_Congelatio_: Appreciate it, Chronis out.
"Tartarus": משאב פוטנציאלי נצפה.

"Tartarus" drops down on top of Congelatio out of nowhere. Fortunately due to Congelatio's quick reflexes he managed to dodge and says

_Congelatio_: What are you?
_Congelatio_: (I think I've seen that symbol before... But where?)

Both of them assume a stance.

_Congelatio_: You know.. it's quite rude to just jump on someone without warning.
"Tartarus": פשוט חשבתי שזו דרך יעילה למשוך את תשומת הלב שלך.
_Congelatio_: (This thing can speak?) I'm sorry but I don't seem to understand you.
"Tartarus": אני מבין.. אז אתה לא מועיל לי.

"Tartarus" tries to fly away but is intercepted by Congelatio

_Congelatio_: Hold on I'm not done investigating yet.
"Tartarus": !

Congelatio knocks "Tartarus" back through five buildings. After the fifth building, "Tartarus" looks towards where Congelatio was at. He sees icicles being shot at him. He quickly dashes towards the right but is again intercepted by Congelatio.

_Congelatio_: Too predictable

Congelatio delivers a devastating blow on "Tartarus" and is knocked back to a certain distance.

_Congelatio_: Freeze to the core.

Congelatio uses his signature move wanting to quickly end this pointless battle so he can continue to search for Einstein. However...

"Tartarus": אני מניח שסיימת לתקוף.
_Congelatio_: ..!?
"Tartarus": עכשיו תורי. אני מקווה שלא אכפת לך.

"Tartarus" breaks all the ice in the area. He pulls two blades out of nowhere and connects them together. He then spins them together above his head causing a large circular clock to cover the land below.
* Tick * * tock * * tick * * tock *
The needles tick and turn until they all land on XII. After reaching XII the area covered by the large clock explodes. Congelatio tried to escape but the area covered by the clock was too large and thus he was caught in the explosion.

_Congelatio_: Ugh... My chest.. wh- what's this?

There seems to be a countdown ticking on Congelatio's chest. His heart might be the target...

"Tartarus": לָמוּת

ㅤ                                      To be continued

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