Episode 09: Taint

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Season 1: An Unexpected yet Horrific Discovery

In an unknown space...

???: You're not so far off. Keep moving.
_Achilles_: Huh? Whose voice was that?
_Azalia_: What voice?

Back in Sotiría...

_Congelatio_: Hold on... Something's wrong...
???: אתה לא יכול להרוג משהו שהוא לא אמיתי.
_Congelatio_: What!?
???: הסערה רק החלה.

A giant Imaginary explosion erupts from where Tartarus was at. The explosion caused a wave of golden light to once again spread out in all directions. The wave summoned Imaginary beings into Peripheria.

"Tartarus": !snamuH.....תראה לי את כל מה שיש לך

_Viollette_: Huh? Did something go wrong?

A second Imaginary explosion took place that same day. The first one brought the Sýmfonos back into reality and this second one brought Imaginary beings into reality. The second explosion was a lot more violent compared to the first though neither of them was destructive... The energy that was put into work was greatly significant so as to the point that the human technology of all of Peripheria froze for a couple of seconds. In this couple of seconds Tartarus didn't hesitate to make an attempt at killing Congelatio.

_Congelatio_: I'm not done yet.

However, Congelatio managed to get his battlesuit to start working again in 0.00007 seconds and was prepared for a counter attack. However, Tartarus' attack didn't arrive as he anticipated... But instead...

_Congelatio_: What? Where did he go? Wait.. he's behin-

Congelatio was lacerated from behind.

_Congelatio_: I've still got this...

In spite of being potentially severely wounded, Congelatio immediately went on the offensive and continued fighting as he was before. Tartarus on the other hand had some tricks up his sleeves.

* Dong * * whoosh *
_Congelatio_: What's going on???

Tartarus seems to be standing still but at the same time Congelatio could see him fighting.

_Congelatio_: Which of you is the real one!?

He managed to take down the Tartarus who was fighting in a few moments but after he was defeated, the Tartarus who was standing still immediately began a series of attacks.

Meanwhile in an unknown space...

???: Oh? Perhaps I was too careless in concealing myself.
_Achilles_: Hey! Quit talking to yourself and fight me!
???: (sigh) I guess I have no other choice then.

Issac pops out of a riff wearing some kind of specialised suit.

_Azalia_: (?!) Professor Einstein? What are you doing here?
_Issac_: I just came here in search of something.
_Azalia_: (?)
_Achilles whispering to Azalia_: Don't trust him. He could be a fake.
_Isaac_: Just to let you know, I'm the real Professor Isaac Einstein.
_Azalia and Achilles_: (?!)
_Achilles_: Hey! If you were the real Professor you wouldn't be here right now.
_Issac_: Oh really?
_Achilles_: Are you doubting me?
_Isaac_: Yes.
_Achilles_: Y- You!
_Azalia_: Calm down Achilles, he's trying to trick you.
_Achilles_: Hmph. I'm fine.
* Issac wears a smug face *
_Achilles_: (...)
_Azalia_: Wait.. something feels wrong.

_Isaac_: Forgive me but...

Issac presses a bottom on a hologram panel that was projected through his left hand. Pressing that bottom shifted the suit he was wearing into combat mode.

_Issac_: I'm in a hurry so let's just get this over with.

_Achilles_: What are you tal-

Issac plunges towards Achilles and punches him faster than Azalia could notice. Achilles was knocked back to a certain distance until he prepared a counter attack. However, he could not locate Issac.

_Achilles_: Hey! Quit playing games and fight me head on like a real man!
_Issac_: I don't wish to waste my energy for fighting a small fry.
_Achilles_: What did yo-

A blue beam similar to that of electricity hits Achilles from a crack in that space-time. The beam worked like an EMP thereby completely disabling Achilles' battlesuit. Issac then reappears out of nowhere. He seemed to have gone invisible but Achilles' battlesuit could detect everything in his surroundings for as long as the said thing could interact with space and time.

_Achilles_: (...)
_Azalia_: Achilles! You okay?
_Achilles_: (...)
_Azalia_: Achilles!
_Isaac_: Don't worry, he's alive. I only disabled his battlesuit.
_Azalia_: Professor... What are you trying to accomplish..?
_Isaac_: I'm searching for something beyond our realm of reality.
_Azalia_: ?

The temperature of that region of space seemed to have increased even though temperature was supposed to be irrelevant in such spaces.

_Isaac_: Looks like I underestimated him.
_Azalia_: Huh? Wait.. Achilles!
_Achilles_: Did you really think you could take me out like that?

Achilles gets up and transforms his battlesuit into its semi-legendary form.

_Achilles_: Let me show you how fierce a battle against me can get.

The transformation shakes the entire space. His flames seem to be able to tear space itself.

_Achilles_: Hahahahaha! Bring it on!

Meanwhile back in Sotiría...

_Congelatio_: Augh.. (this is not good.. I can't feel my body..)

The countdown on Congelatio's chest reached 0 and right then Congelatio's body received heavy biological dmg. His battlesuit seems to have been tainted by some Imaginary power. He's now struggling to move but he continues fighting.

_Congelatio_: This taint is not enough to crush my resolve!

Congelatio has not managed to use his new battlesuit to its full potential yet. But, he somehow managed to use a signature attack previously, achieving that is quite difficult. And now, he seems to be trying to use the entire suit's core to launch a devastating attack. However...

???: Sir, let me share your burden.
_Congelatio_: ?

A powerful hidden power seems to have melted everything around Congelatio. The buildings and human structures which were reduced to ruins were now reduced to absolutely nothing, not even ashes remained.

_Hector_: I'm Hector, I hope I can be useful to you, sir.
_Congelatio_: Hector...? What are you doing here?
_Hector_: The aliens have all been taken out but soon after we were done clearing them up... Golden mechanical beings started attacking us. The entire solar system is in chaos. I figured that the golden explosion was responsible for this so I decided to search for the source and got here.
_Congelatio_: Is that so... In that case..

Congelatio gets up and uses the suit's core to form a signature weapon.

_Congelatio_: Let's take that thing down together.

ㅤ                                      To be continued

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