Friendships (light smut)

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Yunho's pov

We were all at the living room playing card games.

"Should I put on some music on the tv?" Mingi, the music addict asked heading towards the remote. "You would put it even if we say no anyway, why are you asking?" I said.

"Yo! Hold up, why does it feel like I haven't seen you guys in months?" Hwa asked pointing at San and woo. "it's just been two days hwa, stop acting like we vanished suddenly," san said.

"But we are used to you guys being loud. No wonder it was so calm," I said.

"Stop acting like you have been around too," hwa said looking at me.

"I have been here the whole time, what do you mean?" I said. "Yeah, but you only come back to sleep," hwa said.

"He's been going around with Lia. Spare her the time man, they are not as free as we are right now," woo told me. "Hey! You've been going out with ryujin too," I said. "Not as much as you two though," he said.

"Yo! What did I miss?" Joong asked.

"So technically woo is not the only one dating an itzy member, you and Lia are a thing?" Jongho asked. "Not really," I said. "What do you mean not really? Is it like a crush or something?" Yeosang asked.

"I'm not playing anymore guys, I'm tired, I need to go somewhere," Mingi said throwing all his cards on the table.

"What the heck is up with you and your attitude these days?" I asked him pretty much annoyed.

I literally can't put up with his behaviour lately. He's been acting so differently, and I noticed it's just towards me.

Mostly when Lia is mentioned.

"What the heck do you mean!?" he asked.

"Guys! I can't put up with you fighting all the time. What's the problem between you two? Not to pick sides but mostly you Mingi, you've been acting up a lot. Is there anything going on?" Hwa asked.

Everyone's focus was now on us.

"Don't pin all the pressure on me, what did I do wrong? I only said I don't feel like playing anymore, is that a fucking problem!?" Mingi asked, raising his voice and getting mad.

"Yeah! That is the fucking problem!! We were all having a good time then you're suddenly moody, killing the vibe of the game!" I said angrily, raising my voice too.

"The game is what got you that mad? Let's play then!" he said angrily and sat down.

"No! I genuinely can't do this anymore. Seonghwa, you talk to him," I said and stared at my phone silently.

"Mingi.." hwa tried to intervene but mingi ignored his attempt and continued shouting at me. "What do you mean you can't anymore? You get fucking sensitive over little things and blame it all on me!" he said angrily.

"Sensitive? Every fucking time Lia is mentioned you start acting like that! When I try to get a peaceful time with her you freaking ruin it for me! What's up with you? Do you want her?" I decided to say it and could feel the intense tension that I just created.

Everyone was silent.

"Lia!? Why the fuck would I want Lia!? I freaking hate her! Okay!? I hate her and it's making me hate you with all my guts! You just annoy me! Annoying is even an understatement, you disgust me! Okay!?" he said making me go silent.

I felt like my heart just shuttered. It felt so bad to be told that by the closest person I've ever had.

I know he always struggled with his temper but this is too much. He never loses it with me.

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