Too precious for me

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Wooyoung's pov

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Wooyoung's pov

"Do you feel better now?" the guy asked after getting me a bottle of water. I nodded my head with a pout, my cheeks flushed red from my drunk state.

"I'm sorry for shouting at you earlier, I just freaked out seeing you like that in the middle of the road. A car might've hit you," he said.

"Do you forgive me?" I asked.


"I didn't mean to do that with Mingi, I don't know what I was thinking. I'm sorry San'ah," I said looking down.

He sighed and said, "You're so cute, sweet and attractive I almost can't control myself. Can I kiss you?" He stared my lips, moving closer.

"So you forgive me?" I asked again.

He smirked with a slight giggle and tapped my nose cutely. I gave him an unsure smile which for some reason I couldn't tell. He then placed his hand on my cheek going down to my neck and pulled me in for a kiss.

Before we could get anywhere with the kiss, he was randomly pulled back and punched right into his face.

"San?" I called out.

He turned and pushed me back roughly. "What the fuck is this!!?? Huh!? You decided to become a man hoe now? Huh!?" He shouted angrily making me snap back a little to reality trying to figure out what's going on and what he just told me.

I was surprised to see yohan turning around with an angry smirk and turned San to face him.

"Don't speak to him like that or..." yohan started but got interrupted by an angry San, "Or what!!?"

"Or I'll end you, and trust me, I always keep my word," he said in a serious tone.

"I'm also crazy, don't provoke me. You don't know everything I have against you gathered in my safe, don't make me bring them out to light," San said then proceeded, "And stay away from my boyfriend."

Yohan, out of anger, punched San and that's when their fight started. I got so scared and confused. I didn't know what to do.

"Guys!! Stop it!!" I told them, moving closer to try separating them.

"Shut up and move!" San said pushing me away so harshly that I almost fell.

"San we're arguing a lot! I'm tired, if you do that one more time, I'm breaking up with you!!" I shouted at him angrily and started walking away.

"Fuck is wrong with you!!?" I heard San tell yohan before he started chasing after me.


"Hey! I'm sorry I went a little overboard," San said.

"A little?"

"No! Way too overboard! But I also had the right to be mad, didn't I? Why were you grinding on mingi like that? It wasn't even ten minutes long, I find you kissing Yohan!? Then what!? You tell me you're tired and want to break up!?" he questioned, annoyed.

"I thought it was you, I wanted to apologize. I was drunk, San! I was drunk for fuck's sake!"

"Too drunk that you could've just slept with them!?"

"San, when I found out about you and Maya, I didn't react this recklessly regardless of what video she sent me. I was careful to not say hurtful things but you? You almost hit me, San. You called me a hoe. I feel like you take no effort to understand me, you don't even care how I feel," I admitted.

"I.. I'm sorry to make you feel like that. I'm really sorry. I care about you a lot wooyoung, I really care. I was just upset and jealous, I didn't think of anything else. I didn't even realize I called you that. I'm so sorry," he said, his tone softened as he pulled me into a hug.

I sadly started crying, wrapped in his arms.

"I'm sorry. I really never wanted to make you cry. Look, hit me then, do shit to me. What can I do to make you stop crying and smile? Please? I'm sorry," he said with a concerned expression making me look at him.

I stared at him for a while, watching him slowly giving up then kissed him.

"Kiss me, that's all I want to calm down. Kiss me as good as you did before we went back to the karaoke room," I said.

He smiled and asked, "Does that mean I'm forgiven?"

I nodded as a yes and said, "I'm sorry too."

"Forget it, it doesn't matter, I just want to kiss you."

He pulled me into a warm embrace then gently pressed his lips on mine.


We got back to the karaoke room afterwards.

"Hey guys, we're thinking of playing a game," Yunho told us.

"What game?" San asked as we took a sit, me glued onto his arms. He made me sit on his laps and rest my head on his chest, closing my eyes slowly and my arms wrapped around his neck.

"Is he okay?" I heard yeosang ask.

"Yeah, he's just tired and a little bit drunk," San said, embracing me as I got comfortable in his arms.

"So.. he's not playing?" Jongho asked.

"Baby, do you want to play?" San gently asked me. I shook my head as a no, hugging him tighter.

"Damn! Someone is so clingy today," Mingi teased.

"Let him be," San said.

"Wooyoung, you can go ahead and rest in the rooms if you want to, we understand," seonghwa genuinely requested.

"No, I want to stay with San," I said with a pout, my head still buried in his arms.

"Okay then, let us know if you want to leave, okay?" Hwa said as I nodded in response.


San's pov

(Later on)

We were finally done with the game and it was so fun but wooyoung fell asleep. "Baby, we're leaving," I gently told him, caressing his hair.

He was too sleepy, I doubt he heard me. He looked so cute that I felt my heart flutter. I was sad for breaking him like that. I stared at him promising myself to never hurt him again. I promised myself to always treat him gently and care for him, always being the first person by his side.

I gently made him go to my back, with the help of yeosang and carried him to the car gently without waking him up.

He needed enough sleep, knowing we have to take mingi to the airport tomorrow and go visit my parents later on the same day.


Thanks for reading 😊

I'm sorry for the long break y'all, I have so much going on, this chapter was a little short too.

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