Halloween meme art

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                                                               No TWs

                                           Important thing at the end

Fast forward to Halloween of 2023 and Halloween is just two weeks away. And at the time, Blue Smurf Cat was a very well known meme so I randomly drew it and I did pretty well. I showed multiple people it and they thought so too.

October 31st 2023 (Halloween) rolls around and I went to my church for their trunk or treat thing that they do every year and I knew that Oliver was going to be there so that was one of the main reasons why I went. I had brought the drawing I made and I told my brother to show it to Oliver because they're friends and when my brother showed him, I could tell Oliver was impressed and looked like he liked it and to be honest.... I had a bright smile on my face and so did Oliver as he looked in my direction. I was really glad that he liked my art.

I had only told my brother to show Oliver but my brother showed everyone he knew and he kinda took credit for it so I stepped in and I said in a jokingly voice, "Excuse me, I made this and for proof, that's my signature with my name right there. I'm (Let's call my brother Christen, similar names bc we're twins) Christen's sister." And that's why you should put your signature on your creations so people don't steal it and claim it as their own. "I knew it because there is no way on God's created earth that Christen could draw that." One of Christen's group leader said.

(A/N rq, he said that word for word.. I am not lying)

I just smiled and said nothing else because my social battery was at 0% from the event and was proud of myself for saying a full sentence with barely any energy left. I took the drawing out of Christen's hand and put it back in my bag. Then I left the church.

When I get home, I get out of my costume which was a Perry the Platypus onesie and take a shower. After that, I started drawing several Blue Smurf Cat drawings for the people that Christian showed it to, and on one I had spent two whole hours on making sure it's perfect. It was the one for Oliver. Of course I would take two hours on a drawing for someone I like. It's classified.

The following Sunday when I saw Oliver again, I gave Christen the drawings and I had labeled them with the names for the people I drew for and put them in a random case I found in my room. (This case is mentioned a lot in this book so yeah keep that in mind) Christen gave them to the people and finally Oliver had gotten his. That was the first drawing I had given Oliver. The first out of many others. So many to the point where I can't even count them, and probably the same for Oliver.

A/N finally got the energy to fulfill my promise of writers week and got this published. Now slight spoiler, but from Halloween (October 31st) to New Years (of 2024), I didn't see him as much. I caught a few glances but yeah that's it. So I will be skipping around in the book bc I don't want just one chapter based off of me walking and catching a glimpse of him and you probably don't want one either.


I'm going to continue this book until me and him are dating lol so it could be a few more days, weeks, months, years, or never but (slight spoiler) considering what's going on with me and him, might be soon ngl. And if we do, I will still continue the book to the point of where we started dating.

I'm delusional as frick bro-

But PLEASE trinken sie wasser, essen sie etwas, und schlafen sie bitte

(Translation; drink water, eat food, and sleep please. It's German btw)

And I'm not lying, I care for you so please do so.

                                 I love you all and as always, 07 Bois

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