Only the beginning of 2024

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                                                           No TWs

                           Important announcement at the end

During the end of fall and beginning of winter, not much happened between me and Oliver. We saw each other about once or twice a week if we were lucky enough. I did make him a Christmas (December 25th for people who don't celebrate it) present which was a drawing of Josh Hutcherson. But at the time, I was the most shyest person you would've ever met. But in the morning is when I say about five words so I could've NEVER give it to him. So I made Christen give it to Oliver. Yes, I made my own twin brother give the only crush that I've had longer than my old crushes, a Christmas gift. While I watched from afar and the only thing Oliver did was laugh. And I'm not gonna lie, but I'd do the exact same thing. Who wouldn't??

"sigh... I love his smile." Was the only thing I could even think while I am stunned and speechless by his laugh, smile, face, perfection.

END OF 2023

It's now 2024 and and Oliver has changed, a lot.... and it's only been a week. His hair has gotten about half an inch longer, he's gotten taller even though he's wearing the same shoes as he did the week before, and just prettier. I don't know how he did it. He seriously had a glow up but the thing is, he just found out what a glow up is like 2 weeks ago. I can't describe how much prettier he has gotten. I have a picture (That he sent to me) from November of 2023 and it was now January of 2024, that's a two month difference and Oliver looks like he went from 3 years younger to his actual age. It's just crazy.

A/N y'all, I'm too tired to continue this chapter so I'm just gonna end this here bc I'm seeing Oliver tmr and I made him another drawing and I'm gonna give it to him in front of his friends so they can continue calling me his girlfriend which I feel honored to be called his :)

P.S: Writers Week has ended and I have decided to make the first full week of every two months, a Writers Week. Which means the next Writers Week is May 5th 2024 - May 11th 2024. This is so I can update faster bc I'm seeing Oliver about twice a week and most of the time, a lot can happen. Like a full conversation, flirting, jokes, and stuff (we do all this all the time lol)

I'm heading to bed now so that means....

You. You bootyful, luffly, amahzing, pershun to ever exist. I need you to do 3 simple things that will make me happier than my crush makes me. I need you to eat some tashty shnaks, drink refweshing whota, and happy shlep :) and if you don't.... I'll come find you and make you do it. And if you do, you will make me as happy as when people get clothes out of the dryer and put it on just bc it's warm. You matter, you're deserving of love, deserving of happiness, no matter if we've met or not, I can tell right through a screen that you are the example of a puppy falling asleep in your arms.

                                       I love you all and as always, 07 Bois

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10 ⏰

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