chapter 4 Things

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Mylene was eating his 'breakfast' for what lamps 1 and 2 called it, he didn't know that eating food in a set time had names but he was glad he knew, so he decided to ask the homies more about the the set food times and it slightly confused him. like why would one need a set time to eat? if they were hungry eat, that would be more effective in making sure one was not hungry. In any case, he should be grateful they weren't rationing his food based on his perceived cooperation level, so he figured he shouldn't grumble about designated meal times.

The food he was gobbling up called on his plate were pancakes smothered in syrup sauce and adorned with berries, accompanied by a tempting glass of chocolate milk. While undeniably delicious, Mylene couldn't help but yearn for a change of flavor. His mind drifted back to the mouthwatering donuts he had savored on Katakuri's ship. The idea of sinking his teeth into those again seemed more appealing with every passing moment, he wouldn't mind eating those again.

The dresser complained that Mylene should be eating in the dining room, apparently to them, he should be eating in a different room. This notion of segregating eating spaces struck him as odd. Wasn't it perfectly normal to eat where you happened to be? The intricacies of mealtime etiquette unfolded before him, complete with the introduction of utensils and the seemingly arbitrary rules of where one should indulge in their meals.

It was confusing, to say the least, but he guessed having rules to meals, would be beneficial in some ways, he just needed to figure it out. Lamp 2 told him to slow down on eating if he didn't want to choke, he listened but still wanted to gobble it all down. he took the last bite and quickly drank the chocolate milk and let out a satisfied sigh.

Lamp 1 playfully wiped the remnants of syrup off Mylene's face with a napkin, leaving him bemused by the lamp's unexpected grooming skills.

"Ma, Mylene, you're such a messy eater," Lamp 1 chuckled, eliciting a scrunch of the face from Mylene as he endured the cleanup.

"I heard katakuri-sama was gonna take you around to get your stuff" the dresser spoke up.

" Take me around?" Mylene questioned when the lamp was finally finished wiping his face.

" yeah I heard from the other homies that katakuri-sama was gonna take you out to get your clothes tailored, didn't katakuri-sama tell you?" The dresser inquired.

" no "

" he must have wanted it to be a surprise" Lamp 2 spoke

"Oh! I ruined the surprise!" the dresser exclaimed, attempting to backtrack. "Forget you heard anything." They looked away, whistling broken notes.

Mylene, still processing the unexpected turn of events, agreed with a nonchalant "Sure."

A knock echoed through the room, and katakuri's voice rang in.

"come in!" Mylene pushed back the tray and faced the door as soon as katakuri went in. katakuri moved closer and knelt at Mylene's level and spoke.

"Mylene, I'm taking you around with me. You'll meet other people, but you don't have to talk to them, don't worry," Katakuri assured him in the same gentle tone Mylene was growing accustomed to.

Curiosity tugged at Mylene as he asked, "Where are we going?"

"First I'll be taking you to the family tailor on whole cake, we'll go there by the mirror world."

"mirror world?" Mylene inquired, Curiosity seeping into his voice.

"It's a devil fruit my little sister has. It allows one to travel through mirrors and access the Mirror World," Katakuri explained.

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