Chapter 16 Spark

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Mylene was riding in one of the carts, which one of the homies was pulling towards their destination. He had just woken from passing out while being cradled by Katakuri. Till he remembered what happened before that.

It felt good to let off steam. It really did. But why did it feel so embarrassing afterward?

His face was red, as were his ears, very comparable to a tomato. It felt awkward to look at Katakuri or even speak to him without stumbling over his words like a broken radio. Katakuri didn't seem to mind it and stayed close to him as they traversed through the Mirror World to get to the large mirror that was planted when the deal was made.

He and Katakuri had a conversation when he woke up, exchanging a few words and explanations that were much needed at that time. Katakuri had asked questions about his well-being, especially concerning why he had ventured into the woods alone in the middle of the night.

All Mylene had to do was explain, right? Simple right?

Except it wasn't simple at all. For some reason, he felt embarrassed, even ashamed, when trying to explain to Katakuri what had happened. It was as if his tongue had tied itself into knots, and each word felt like a confession of some deeply embarrassing secret.

Brûlée led them in silence, occasionally stealing glances at the two of them. If her quiet, amused sighs were anything to go by, Mylene was certain she found his tomato-red face utterly hilarious.

As if he needed more reasons to wish for a giant hole to swallow him up.

"Mylene, are you sure you're feeling alright?" Katakuri inquired, looking at his red face with concern.

"Huh? Uh, yeah— I mean, yes!" Mylene stuttered out, feeling his cheek redden even more. katakuri raised his brow and stared at him for a moment, not convinced by his words.

He turned his head away and started to swing his legs and whistle tunes. Stop stuttering, you fool! he scolded himself internally, wishing he could just disappear into thin air.

He felt Katakuri's hand gently resting on his forehead, parting his hair slightly. Mylene glanced up at Katakuri, who gave his head a playful ruffle before letting go. Mylene huffed a little and reached up to feel his forehead where Katakuri had flicked him. It didn't hurt anymore, nor did it leave a mark.

He looked at Katakuri once more, who was having a conversation with Brûlée, who had a small smile on her face. He was angry at Katakuri, key word being "was." Katakuri had broken his word, but he apologized for it, and for Mylene, it was rare for someone to truly apologize.

The scientist didn't care whether or not they talked to him, as long as they got to obtain samples of a rare species and that of the clone of the commanders of two very powerful Yonko. He never got to talk with the other patients enough to actually have a real conversation. He didn't talk much with the servants or with the beast pirates. He received an apology from his homies yesterday, but that was because of a mistake he made, or more accurately, all of them, since all of them could have handled it better.

And plus, he didn't want to be angry at Katakuri forever. How could he? Katakuri was his caretaker, along with King.

He hopped off the moving cart, surprising the homies who were next to the cart he was on. He walked past them and ignored their surprise, then ran next to Katakuri, who noticed his presence and looked down at him with a question, stopping in his tracks.

He went in front of Katakuri and held both of his arms out, his cheeks red while his mouth couldn't get a word out. But Katakuri didn't need words to know what Mylene was asking.

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