Part 26

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It has been a week since New Years and Oritse and maggie are staying with us because they are getting work done so I offered to let them stay and also because Amber doesn't really get to see him so it's nice. Oritse and Maggie have gone out tonight. which leaves me and amber some quality time together. which i like. "Hey Jay where have Maggie and Reese one?" Amber asked. "They gone out tonight" I replied back. "I love you" Amber said kissing me.

Amber's POV

I had moved on to Jays lap and he depend the kiss. I wanted to make this go further so I started to undo his shirt. He pulled away "you sure?" He asked me I nodded and carried on kissing him and I finished undoing his top and I pushed it off his shoulders. Jay s hand went under my bum and he moved towards the edge of the sofa. He picked me up and started walking towards the stairs. He broke away to see where he was going. I started to kiss down his jaw line and down his neck.

Our door swung open and he closed with his foot. He locked the door just in case Maggie or Oritse came in

I placed me onto the bed and started to kiss down my jaw line and downy neck. He made his way back to my lips. I parted my mouth so our tongues roamed each others mouths. Jay started to undo the buttons of my pj top. I arched my back as he pushed it off my shoulders. I started to untie the strings of his trackies and pushed them off his hips and he did the same to me throwing them onto the floor. I was just left in my underwear.

He started to down my body while his hands went down my back until he got to my bra strap. He undid it with my help a little. He chucked my bra on the floor and carried on kissing down my body till he got to my knicker line. He pulled them off and they landed in heap by the rest of the clothes.

We were both now fully naked and JB pulled up the covers and he inserted his member into me.

1 year Later..

Still on Amber's POV

"Jay have you got everything?" I shouted up at him as I fed our 6 month old daughter. "Yes!" He laughed as the suit case and him came down the stairs. "How is Jess?" He asked me coming over and kissing me and then Jess on the top of her head. "You ready to go after you have fed and I will change her before we go?" He asked me "yeah that's fine hope she can sleep on the way up!" I laughed she is sleeping through the night most nights now "yup get to have grown up chat!" Jay laughed nudging me in the ribs as I finished feeding her and putting her into her car seat. We were also brining Kelly, Amber's sister because it will be nice for her as well.

To say a lot has changed since me and JB slept together would be an understatement but I wouldn't have it another way.. Well JB forgot to put a condom on but that's life and now we have Jess and she is just beautiful and I'm glad everything happened.

Marvin's POV

I was waiting for a text from JB to say he was leaving. We was meeting everyone up there. Libs was running around the house with her cuddly you that Chloe's Mum brought for her.

Libby was nearly 2 so we where going to celebrate her second birthday. Chloe was in the kitchen doing something to Libby's little snack bag for the way up.

I was half way to the haven park we where staying at and Chloe and Lilly was asleep so I was listening to the radio and looking at them to whenever we were on traffic. A few hours later Chloe woke up when we were nearly there. It was Amber's idea to drive all the way up to north Wales for the holiday. I didn't mind a little road trip. I was just looking forward to when Libby falls asleep and I can let go a little.

I really wanted to get something off my chest this holiday!

Chloe's POV

I was really looking for this week. It was going to be good. I mean Libby's birthday and just spending time with the family it just going to perfect we all haven't been together in ages.

I was having a really good dream. Me and Marvin sitting on the patio and our grand kids playing in the garden. I want to grow old with Marvin.

I love him to the end of the world

And back.

"How You Feeling?" I asked Marvin "yeah I'm good, did you have a nice sleep?" He asked me "yup it was a pretty good one!" I laughed "how far are we?" I asked going into my bag to get the conformation form. "Erm about 10 minuets I think unless you want to go to tesco's for booze and stuff?" Marvin said "Erm I think Aston and Libby are getting them!" I said thinking. "Okay cool that means we can get settled and have food!" Marvin said turning into the park.

Marvin went to check in so I texted the girls saying we where here. As I sent it I saw Amber and JB pull up. Amber was driving and JB, Kelly and Jess where all sleep. "How far did you go till he dropped off?" I asked Amber as we both got out of our cars "Erm just as we hit the motor way but he has been up most nights writing and just tending Jess she hasn't been sleep through the night the las couple of days so he was knacker so I drove!" She laughed looking through the window to see if they were all sleeping. "Cool Marvs just gone to check us in and we will pop over later?" I said hugging Amber and Kissing her cheek. I saw Amber as a younger sister to me!

Kelly's POV

I woke to see Jay fast asleep and so was Jess. Amber was gone so I just sat there and I starting to text my friends. I was going to miss my girls through the week and they are so Jel because I'm spending the week with JLS which isn't so bad and with Amber. We haven't really spent much time with her recently. But I love my niece she is so cute!

"Ah your awake!" Amber laughed as she came in after checking in I guess "yup so where we staying?" I asked wanting to know! "Erm some place over in a caravan not too far from here so a just a sort walk from like Burger King and stuff which is good!" She laughed

"How about we drive to the caravan dump the car and Jay and get some food and have a look around and maybe meet Marv and Chloe?" Amber suggested "sounds like a plan!" I said.

We drove to the caravan and plonked our stuff in. Amber wrote a note for Jay. I wasn't to sure what it said and she folded it up and put it on his lap. Jess was now awake so Amber changed her and fed her and off we went for a look round.

"Amber can we go into the shop?" I asked as we had been to most things "sure I think we need a new blanket for Jess because we left it at home. She said

"Amber you have to buy it." I said showing Amber a money box in the shape of a tractor with John on the front. " Yeah that is just too funny." Amber said picking one up. They both recently bought a farm so we all kinda take the mic out of Jay a little for it. "Right lets go and see if Jays awake yet!" Amber said after paying for the stuff.

"He is still sleeping!" Amber laughed as we got back "I'm going to wake him up so you stay in here and look after Jess for me!" Amber said going into a bag of ice and bringing out an ice cube.


I was really enjoying the dream. I felt Amber sit on my lap and trying to wake me up but I didn't want to just yet. After a few minuets if silence I felt the wristband of my jeans and my boxers loosen. I felt Amber's hand go into them and straight back out. After a second or so I really cold down there so I woke up find Amber looking smug.

"Your going to pay for this!" I laughed as the ice cube was slowly melting. "And how will I pay for it?" She whispered in my ear "well I have an idea but your going to have to wait." I teased her. I pushed her off my lap and we walked into the caravan!

"Your alive!" Kelly joked as she looked up from playing with Jess. Jess looked up and a smile spread across her face. She already crawling around which was a little bit of hard work because you can't really take you eye off her. I picked her up and gave her a kiss and a cuddle and put her back done by Kelly so they can carry on playing, while me and Amber unpacked

"How much stuff have you brought?" I asked shocked as Amber pulled out about 5 different dresses. "Erm a bit but I think you would like some of it!" Amber says into my ear, this girl really noes how to turn me on! We finished packing and I saw Aston in the next caravan with Lilly. They were kissing so I guess the wont be ready to meet up just yet!

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