Part 44

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Marvin's POV

"Chloe you coiming to see Amber and JB?" I shouted up at her. Chloe has now deieced she doesnt like Amber because Amber had a baby shower without her and the others. I didn't know hwo to make sure that nothing bad happens. "No marv you know I'm not coming to see her when she hasn't even made and effort to pop round or text me!" she said coming down the stairs as I was getting Libby ready. "Well fine but this is stupid." I said as I put Libs in her car seat and put a small gift on her lap. "Fine but don't be long." She said in a huff.

I got to the hospital I had no idea where I was going. I had Libby on my hip asking if Jess was going to be there. I followed the signs and finally saw JB out side of the ward on the phone. I waited for JB to finish on the phone which wasn't long. "Congratz man." I said as we walked down the corridoor "Thanks Marv, how come Chloe isn't with you?" He asked, "well she is in a mood with Amber because she hasn't really been in contact with her." I said kinda of asheamed at how childish this is. " Oh right well tell her I said hi and that come round when ever she wants" he said holding the door open for me "Jess!" Libby said as she saw Jess playing on the floor with some crayons. I placed her on the floor and they played while I talked to Amber and JB. "Well done babe" I said kissing her cheek " I got the boys something small each" I smiled passing it to JB "Marv you shouldn't off and where is chloe?" Amber asked I looked at JB to see if I should tell Amber what Chloe thinks and he nodded "Well Ambs she thinks your ignoring her." I said sitting down on a chair opposite JB "oh right well any way how have you all been seems like ages since I saw you" Amber laughed holding Tyler. "yeah brilliant Libby is angle and chloe is being as stubborn as always." I laughed. "Haha that's good what shall we get Libs for her birthday?" JB asked "some dolls or something" I said looking at the girls play. "okay thanks" he laughed "can I have a look at the boys then" I laughed as Amber nodded and passes me Tyler.

It must of been at least an hour before I got a call from Chloe waiting Libby home for a bath and to see her brother. "I'm sorry but I need to go Chloe's brother is down and I guess he wants to see his niece" I laughed picking up Libby and waving good bye.

"Mummy!" Libs said hugging Chloe I walked into the kitchen and started to make a cup of tea. I don't know what to do I don't get why Chloe is ignoring Amber last time I checked they were friends and all fine and happy. But now Chloe is just blanking her.

"Marv are you ok with me?" Chloe asked putting her hands round my waist. "Yeah I'm fine but talk to Amber" I picked up my tea and headed up to the small studio I got done for myself. I locked the door so I couldn't be disturbed when I was writing I hate that. I got out my pen and a the pad I have in one of the small desk draws. I just wrote and wrote and wrote for hours. I didn't think I has this much to write about. I looked over the four songs I wrote and I think my favourite had to be Killed by Love. I put the songs and note pad into the draw and pulled out my laptop. I looked on twitter and nothing interesting was happening so I deiced to tweet the link to the new song so our dedicated JLSters could pre order the song. I didn't want to come out I was happy in my little music bubble, just me and music brain. I heard a light knocking on the door. I opens it and was Libby she ran in and hugged my legs. I closed the door shut and lifted her up. "sweetie you okay?" I said as she put her head into my neck. "Libby wants up?" I pestered I was really worrying about her she has never been like this. "mummy is being mean to me." she whimpered "how come mummy is never mean to her baby girl." I said sitting down and putting her on my lap "mummy is saying I won't get to see my best friend because she doesn't like Aunty Amber" she cried into my shoulder. I hate this my daughter crying because Chloe is being childish. "Libby listen you can see Amber, JB, Jess, Tyler and Jason as much as you like because I can take you and I will help mummy be nice again." I said kissing her hair.

I put my baby girl to bed and walked towards Chloe. She looked hurt I hated this I never wanted this to happen to Chloe I know what I might of done is bit over the top but I can't lose any of them my family or friends. "Chloe I'm sorry but I can be stuck in the middle." I said sitting next to her. "I know Marv I've talked to Amber and she understands I'm sorry for everything is Libby mad at me?" She asked as I cuddled her "she's upset but I talked to her and she will of forgotten about it tomorrow so now worries just relax and watch a film." I said getting up and putting a film in. "thank you Marv I don't know what I would do without you" Chloe said kissing me.

Astons POV

Lilly was pacing up and down in the living room eating to hear about the job to become our stylist as well as doing a few dance classes through the week. "Lilly sit down have a drink relax it's just going to go slower and your kinda making me a but sea sick." I moaned trying to watch the football. Lilly moved in last month and it has been a change the house is clean for a change and there is the smell of girl around the house. "sorry babe I'm just nervous I mean I'm a dancer not a stylist I have never done this and it means a bit to me" she said coming over to me and sitting down next to me "I know it does babe I will so proud of you is you get this because it's something new but just think positive." I smiled kissing her head and rubbing her back. "I know it's just the waiting I hate waiting." she moaned leaning back into the sofa "how about we do something to take you mind of the call, we could see JB and his lot, go to the pub, go for a walk or do the weekly shop or anything you want." Looking at Lilly she smiled and thought about the options I gave her. "Can we go see Amber then do some food shopping I don't think we have anything for food." Lily said with a smile on her face. "Yeah anything you want baby just let me get changed" I kissed her blond hair and ran upstairs to change my jeans. 

Looking around the room for something we could give to JB and his lot, I was downstairs looking in my old stuff that I have in room. I was onto my fourth box of stuff that I ahvent looked at since I moved out of my family home. "How you doing babe?" I said through the phone. "not too good all I found are clothes and some of your and your friends condoms!" she laughed down "well you know we have plenty and I think I have just found something" I said as I pulled out a small Asernal football and trying to find another one out of my collection. "Really i will be right down" she hung up and I slowly heard her feet move from where she was to where I was "would these do?" I asked holding them up "Yeah they are so cute and you sure you want to give them away, don't you want to give them too Amber and JB don't you want to give it to our children when we have them?" Lilly asked walking closer to me. "well we could keep looking but I dont think I have anything or we could go out and get something small do the food shop come back and then go see Amber and JB?" I offered "Bloody hell Ast you OK you have come out with some really good ideas today!" Lilly said kissing me as we walked out off the spare room. 

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