Chapter 3

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∆°Doing a Backflip°∆

"Aoi-Aoi Takatori?" A voice behind the four upperclassmen spoke. They turn to the black haired boy.
"I know you, our families where friends before your know." He continued.
"Ryoya Misato I remember you. Nice to we you again." Aoi say quietly.
The four upperclassmen tooled them inside the club room both Aoi and Futaba found themselves sitting down on chairs as the upperclassmen stared down at them.
"So you want to join the men's rhythmic gymnastics?" Shichigahama ask them.
"But we never done gymnastics before." Futaba say while Aoi nodded to them.
"That's okay both of you can watch for today but we want to see Misato do a Backflip." Tsukidate say before a small, quite voice say from the doorway. A magenta haired girl holding a hot pink iPad.
"Natori fourth junior high and the men's gymnastics team Ryoya Misato." She say everyone blinked in surprise.
"One of the best male gymnast Natori ever had." She continued turning her iPad to them, showing Misato's final performance in middle school. Shichigahama clapped his hands together with a huge smile.
"I want to see Misato do a Backflip in person to the gym." He say. The team except the magenta haired girl, Aoi, Misato and Futaba cheered.

∆°time skip°∆

Bam! Misato landed on the mat. Aoi as well of the rest of the group couldn't help but look in awe. Futaba's gaze was surprised but he seemed to be taking it all in, like there was something truly beautiful about Misato's Backflip.
"I think I can so a Backflip too." Aoi say to them, walking to the mat taking a deep breath in letting all her thoughts leave her mind.

°To be continued°∆
(290 words)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07 ⏰

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