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"oh hey," a boy that stood at the end of the hallway, next to the entrance door said, "you must be our new roommate," he smiled, "i'm seungmin, the other two are in the studio, practicing so you will meet them later tonight." he finished off, taking off his shoes and coat.

jisung stood there, observing the boy in front of him for a minute before bowing lightly, "my name is jisung, i'm majoring in music, nice to meet you." he introduced himself and seungmin smiled at him softly, before walking up to the older to shake his hand.

"it may be rude to ask, but how old are you? you look so young." seungmin politely asked, "i'm 21, and you?" jisung simply answered.

jisung hated this. he hated the skin-ship they just shared, he hated the way seungmin smiled so perfectly. but he will get used to this. he knew the boy had no bad intentions and that jisung had to get over it, maybe he will turn out to be truly amazing in the end.

seungmin bowed lightly, "you're my hyung then! i'm 20, turning 21 this year." he said and jisungs' eyes widened, "oh- no need to- we can just communicate casually, i'm not even that older..." he said awkwardly and seungmin nodded softly.

the younger seemed to remember something suddenly, "i will go make myself some ramen, do you want some?"

 i haven't eaten in two days. jisung thought.

"it's alright, i've eaten already, thanks for the offer though." and just like that jisung was gone. he closed the door to his room and seungmin simply shrugged.

a few hours passed by. jisung hadn't left the room, seungmin was casually sitting in the living room, eating some snacks and binge watching anime called 'nana'. 

the sound of door unlocking averted his gaze from the tv to the door and he smiled brightly upon seeing hyunjin enter, accompanied by another figure closing the door behind them.

"hyunnie!" he ran up to his boyfriend and pecked his cheek lovingly, "how did the practice go?" seungmin asked, showing a big amount of popcorn into his mouth.

hyunjin chuckled taking his jacket off, noticing a new coat hanging nearby, "it was great," he answered and pointed at the unrecognizable coat, "is this what i think it is?"

"yeah, our new roommate is all settled in, he's in his and minhos' room." seungmin answered with a full mouth and looked at the man behind hyunjin, "and minho, you better be nice to him, he looks so fragile and shy." 

minho simply nodded and hyunjin glared at him, as if that was some kind of a warning to not act dumb and behave. 

minho simply walked pass the two and walked up to his room door, trying to open it he failed. the door was locked. "the fuck..." minho mumbled and searched for his key.

"is everything alright?" seungmin yelled from the other side of the hallway and minho nodded, busy searching for his keys.

as if jisung knew that minho had his keys in the room that was locked, he walked up from the other side of the door and slowly unlocked the door, making sure to take his sweet time doing so.

when the door opened minho swore his breath got stuck in the air, there in front of him stood the most perfect boy he had ever seen. he had chubby cheeks and messy brown hair, sleepy expression on too, his clothes were all baggy and made him look small. minho looked behind the boy and upon seeing the messy bedsheets he guessed the boy was asleep.

"why would you lock the door?" minho firmly asked and jisung jumped slightly at the tone.

the younger finally looked up and saw a man, a bit taller than him standing inches away from him. he had purple hair and it really suited him, it made his eyes stand out more and the mullet suit him very well. he was wearing some baggy vintage jeans accompanied by a baggy tee. 

"hello?" minho asked again, waving a hand in front of the boys' face and walking past him. he dropped his sports' bag on his bed and sighed, then he picked out some random sweats and made his way to the bathroom. 

jisung just stood there dumbfounded. why was he feeling those things in his belly again after such a long time?

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