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"if love is a game, i want to play it with you." jisung suddenly blurted out, the music in the car still playing in the background.

minho softly chuckled, his eyes still on the road, "i would gladly play it with you too." he said lowly. 

the younger turn to admire minhos' side proflie, "min, do you think we are lovers in every universe?" he asked softly and the older glanced at him, before shifting his gaze back to the road.

red light.

minho stopped the car and shifted in his seat a bit, before he turned to glance at jisung once more, "i hope we are." he said, soft smile still laying on his face. 

the boy next to him turned to look at the road ahead of them again and nodded, "me too." 

the ride was quiet afterwards until they reached their destination. jisung unbuckled his seatbelt and cleared his throat, "i will go get jiwoo, can you please turn the heat in the backseat on? you know how much she loves when the seat is pre-heated." he said and the older nodded.

it has been a few years after their graduation. jisung and minho were successful individuals now, the younger was a well known and respected producer in the industry, he worked with the most popular artists in south korea and worldwide. as for minho, after graduating college, he opened up his own dance studio and is now helding dance classes for various of age groups, while also working with kpop groups.

the older is still a tattoo artist, except he only does tattoos on people he knows personally, most specifically his friends. 

after they became stable financially and improved with their own relationship, they decided to adopt three little kittens and the furry friends became a part of their little family. when they were babysitting minhos' co-workers son, they both decided that when the timing will be right, they will adopt a little one too. and the right timing arrived rather quickly, that's why they were now in the parking lot of a kindergarten at around six pm.

they adopted this little girl named jiwoo. her parents left her alone in the rainy night when she was 2 years old and when she was 3, minho and jisung adopted her. and let me tell you, they loved her like she was their own, and she loved them like they were hers. 

the door to the backseat opened and jisung put the little girl in her seat, minho looked at the two through his rare mirror and smiled upon making eye contact with the girl, "hey little one, how was your day?" he asked softly and quite giggles echoed through the car, but minho still noticed the tear stained cheeks and shot jisung a questioning look.

the blonde boy made his way to his own seat and once he was in the car and they were ready to go, minho drove out of the parking lot, "what happened?" he asked, glancing at jisung, who just sighed.

"i think some kids are bullying her." jisung whispered as he bit his lowed lip nervously, "she came with grabby hands towards me, i mean that's normal, she always does this, but when i picked her up and hugged her tight." jisung stopped and minho placed his hand on jisungs' tight.

the younger sighed, "min, she whispered in my ear and asked why she has two dads. and her voice... her voice sounded so broken, it broke my heart." 

minho chuckled sadly, "the kids are still way too young to understand any of this, she probably overheard parents gossiping or something. i will talk with her teacher and ask to have a talk with the kids parents." 

jisung simply nodded and glanced back at the girl, who was now sleeping peacefully in the backseat. only soft snores could be heard and jisung giggled turning back to minho, "she's so cute." he said and minho nodded.

the older glanced at his lover, "not as cute as you though." he said and jisung playfully hit his arm.

minho parked into their house garage and when the car was turned off, he turned to jisung and quickly pecked his lips before opening the car door and jumping out of it. the older then opened the back door and unbuckled jiwoos' seatbelt, he gently picked the girl up and signaled for jisung to open the door to him, which the younger did.

upon walking into the house, minho quickly took off his shoes, trying to be as careful as possible so that the little girl in his arms wouldn't wake up. he then made his way upstairs into a room that was filled with toys, cute posters and flowers. minho placed the girl on her bed, took of her jacket, her boots and tucked her in with a soft blanket, not forgetting to pet dori on his way out.

jisung was standing in the kitchen, having a glass of water, when the older came up to him from behind and hugged him close. 

minho kissed the side of jisungs' neck and mumbled a soft "i love you." to which jisung smiled lovingly, "i love you too." 



well, this was definitely not planned, but i really wanted to end this as soon as possible, because i know how much you guys hate when i leave you all on a cliff hanger 😭 and i'll have a lot of shit to do so i won't be able to update as frequently anymore so that's why i decided to end this now. BUT i think i will make a sequence to this book so stay tuned and please wait for me!

in honor of my birthday tomorrow i can say that this book is finished

tell me your thoughts, how was it? would you be interested in another book that would be this books sequence?:) 

yours truly, 


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