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they invited only chan, but all of the guys came as soon as they saw the message, worried that something horrible had happened.

they all were sitting in seungmins' and hyunjins' bedroom now, analyzing everything. felix, who stayed quiet the whole time finally spoke up, "look, guys, we should not assume anything just yet. maybe it was one time thing and he only did it because he wasn't hungry and didn't want to upset seungmin."

minho nodded at that, "that's right, but something about this is still off. like he spends hella long time in the bathroom right after eating and always makes excuses to not eat something. i never saw him cook or bake either."

chan smiled, "is minho in love or is it just me?" the mentioned boy smacked his head, "dumbass, i just don't want to find a person lying in my room lifeless." he said and glanced at felix, "we almost lost something so precious to us, i mean, i don't care if he eats or what shit he does but he's a human still so..." 

felix softly smiled at minho, "just don't ask him about it directly guys," he said looking around the room, "it may trigger his mind even more and it won't help. and seungmin," he turned at seungmin, "i know you have only good intentions and it seems as if you are closest to him right now, try to talk to him about some of your childhood and ask about his, that would help us understand where he comes from."

"and minho hyung, you literally live twenty-four seven with the boy, you have access to his bathroom, as rude as it may sound... when he will be in class and you will be free, check his bathroom for blades or anything that he could be harming himself with. if he has ed, it is a high chance that he will be harming himself in that way too." felix said sadly.

door unlocking could be heard, that made chan realize, "did you inform him we will be coming over or is it a surprise?" he chuckled.

seungmin quickly stood up and made his way out of the room, once he spotted jisung taking his shoes off he smiled sadly eyeing the boy, "hey, how was your walk?" he asked and jisung looked up, "good."

"we have some friends over if you don't mind, sorry we kind of forgot to inform you..." seungmin said apologetically, "they are dying to meet you, we will be in mine and hyuns' room. you are always welcome."

jisung simply nodded and walked into his and minhos' shared room, closing the door behind him.

seungmin sighed walking back into the room, he sat down next to hyunjin and looked around everyone pouting, "he seemed so out of it... like always."

"he's just-" minho was interrupted by the door opening.

to everyones' surprise, there stood jisung with some snacks in his hand, head down low. he walked in shyly and bowed at the strangers and sat the furthest from them all. 

"hi, you must be the new roommate they told us about, i'm chan!" chan happily introduced himself, observing the boys' behavior, as well as all the others did.

jisung bowed lightly, "jisung. nice to meet you."

what was he doing? why was he even there?? the questions he himself had no answers to.

"jisung is rooming with me." minho said and felix smiled.

felix looked at jisung, "i heard we are one day apart !! isn't that exciting." he happily said and jisung looked at him with a blank face, "yeah, i guess."

"chan and changbin are also majoring in music, maybe you all could collab or something." felix added and jisung nodded slowly.

"i'm not that good i believe." jisung jokingly said and the three roommates of his widened their eyes as they heard the boy chuckle for the first time. 

seungmin looked at jisung with a shocked face, "are you joking?! you're way better than these two! trust me." he said and smiled happily, "it would actually be a nice project to do."

"what do you mean?" the youngest, jeongin spoke.

seungmin eyed everyone, "i can videograph, chan, changbin and jisung can do the track and write lyrics andddd jeonginnie right here," he said pointing at jeongin, "will be singing it, while felix, minho and my man would be dancing."

hyunjin thought for a while, "yeah we could do this as our finals project for this semester. it's beneficial for everyone. i'm in, who's with me?" 

everyone agreed, except for minho and jisung.

minho sighed, "fine..."

"jisung?" changbin asked softly and the boy bit his bottom lip nervously, "alright."

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