Chapter 1: The Last Day

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I woke up to the loud beeping coming from my alarm clock. I groaned. It's the last day, it's the last day, I told myself repetitively. I pulled the duvèt comforter off my body, sat up, and turned off the noisy clock on my bedside table. I walked ten steps to my closet and picked out the first thing my eyes found, which was a plaid jacket and some ripped jeans I'd had since the sixth grade. I pulled them on, quickly brushed my teeth, and gently brushed my brunette hair. My mom walked into my room, and of course, she said:

"Good morning! Last day of 8th grade, are you excited?! Oh my gosh! Hold on a second, you're going to be starting high school next year. Where has my baby gone?!"

I could see her eyes pooling with tears. "Mom," I groaned as I followed her out of the room and into the kitchen.

"Mornin', Kate!" Dad said as he sipped his daily cup of coffee, though, to be honest it was more creamer, sugar, syrup, and cinnamon than coffee.

"Morning, Dad," I responded. I grabbed my plate of food from the counter and sat down at the table. "Can I have some orange juice?" I asked Mom. She nodded and opened the fridge. "Thanks," I said as she handed me the glass. I looked at the time. "I gotta go," I said.

"Love you Kate, have an amazing last day! Oh, have fun, baby!"

I rolled my eyes as I walked down the street to the bus stop.


I hopped off the bus full of middle schoolers, like myself. Well, the last day of being a middle schooler before summer break and before—I shuddered—High School. High school was full of mean girls, people who are smarter than me (well, that's not that hard), and worst of all, love. Eww, boys. I've never had a boyfriend, and hopefully, I won't have one for a LONG time. And I mean looong time.

"Hey, Kate," yelled a voice.

I looked over and saw Olivia, my best friend, standing there. "Hey, Olivia."

"Excited for the last day?" she asked.

"Yes and no."

She nodded her head in agreement. Olivia and I had never been popular in school, ever. But Olivia was really pretty and her boyfriend, Alex, was my twin brother. I know you're probably wondering why he wasn't at our house this morning... But he stays at his best friend's house every Thursday night. His best friend, Malachai, was one of the most popular people in our school followed by Alex.

Olivia opened the door to our school and held it open for me.

"Thanks," I said. We both walked down the long hall, heading for our lockers. Our lockers were beside each other. We had to beg the principal and ask if our lockers could be side-by-side. I put in the code to open my locker, 09012008, my birthday.

"Hey," Alex's voice said behind me.

I heard Olivia giggle. Blech. Olivia walked over and kissed Alex on the cheek. I don't even don't even kiss my brother on the cheek, because, just ew. Oliva put her hand in Alex's and they walked away. I rolled my eyes and then I heard something. I groaned in response.

"Hey," said a voice.

"What do you want, Malachai?" I asked him, annoyed.

Malachai always had a crush on me and he never left me alone about it. And he was always at my house since he was my brother's best friend. Well, he's there every day other than Thursday, which is their little sleepover together. I don't even ask what goes on at their sleepover and thank God I didn't.

"Nothing, I was just saying hi," he said.

I rolled my eyes and walked away with all of my school books in my arms. I went into math for the last time in middle school. And there she was, the meanest teacher in our whole school: Mrs. Thurman. She's so mean, I've never seen her smile. I sat down in my seat at the back and listened. Kinda.

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