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(This is the same as the discrpition!)

June 20th 2023.

The summer of 2019 is one I don't think I'll ever forget even if it has been four years. That summer was the only year i truly felt alive, the ones before was shit, but this one will always be the best, I felt like i could actually breathe when life wouldn't let me at the time... everyone assumes the reason is because i got a new job, fixed my messy living routine, found why i loved the beach, learned how to cook more than just mac and cheese, and learned how to make paper cranes.
As all of those things are correct, though I could never forget the real reason all those things became unforgettable moments of that summer.

As I sit at the beach watching the midnight waves move slowly, I dig my fingers in the damp sand, starting to think of that summer and who I spent it with, wishing I could go back to those 2 months we shared so I could thank the boy who taught me so many things for the second time, like for teaching me how to make those stupid paper cranes he loved so much...but most of all,

He taught me how to love summer in the Middle Of June.

The middle of June Where stories live. Discover now