Chapter 3 - Micah

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What the hell is wrong with everyone? Why are they looking at me like that?

It had taken me so long to pull from the pool of disbelief when I saw that Lorenzo commented on the photo of me being back in town, that I had almost missed the damn bus. With everyone's faces of shock and awe, I now wished I had missed it. Everyone is staring at me as I take the first and only empty seat on the bus. My mind is screaming at me to turn and see who the closest person is staring at, but my body won't let me move at all, only allowing my eyes to search as much as they can.

The bus is ominously quiet, I don't remember the roads the driver is taking to get to school, but I know that it takes longer. Mom had to take the car for a meeting, she didn't say what kind of meeting, but judging by the notebook she was carrying it was only to conduct business. So here I am stuck on the bus, being stared at by the kids whose faces are barely recognizable, they're looking dazed as if I had died and come back to life. Swinging my backpack off my back, and onto my lap, I take out my Airpods and turn my playlist on shuffle. Laying my head on the window, my dark black hair provides a soft cushion against the cold hard glass. I gaze out taking in all the new sights I missed during my time away.

We passed a lot of things that have replaced the treasures I've longed for since my departure. One of my favorite corner stores, the only one for miles that has my favorite drink, a nice cold Cran-Grape juice. Thinking about it now Lorenzo hated the taste of them. The first time he tasted it he almost threw up, and I laughed so loudly, and for so long. With the driver finally, what appears to be the last of the kids, he goes down Main Street, and there are so many new stores and restaurants; a hair supply store, an Italian restaurant, a sushi spot, and finally a small cafe. I started to frown at how much I missed, and all the things I wasn't a part of with my old friends. Without saying much they knew why I had left, they knew that what Lorenzo said to the entire school, along with the bullying, I just couldn't live through. That's when I told my parents that we had to move. I didn't say where, but we had to leave Las Veiyas. Being back now and seeing what's gone, makes my heart ache even more at what's come later today.

We unsteadily approach the school, the road still bumpy and highly uneven, oddly bringing a smile to my face. I take note that some things have not changed. All the kids stand up before me, even though I'm at the front, I wait until all the others behind me are off the bus. I look to the back, allowing my mind to confirm I'm the last one to get off the bus. When I approach the doors, I'm met with an older woman with a notebook tucked under her left arm, holding a cup of coffee in the same hand. I drop from the last, and she begins to speak.

"Hey, there, Micah, I'm Counselor Kingsley. Nice to meet you, follow me please."

I hadn't seen this woman before I left, which let me know that she didn't know anything about my reason for leaving. The walk through the halls makes my throat tight, and my heart feels heavy. I want to turn around and run back home, and leave back to California. Knowing why I came back, I know I can't do that, and I know more that I have to stay. The halls smell better than what I remember, this time around they smell breathable.

After about a few more turns, and shuffling through a tight-spaced hallway, we finally reach her office that only has one window. That same window is littered with small figurines of cutesy characters, from what appears to be an anime of some sort. I take a seat, putting my backpack on the side of the chair.

It didn't take her long to file through one of her drawers of the file cabinet that stands tall on the opposite side of her "anime window" and pull out a manilla folder. She places it down in front of me. I giggle at my full name making an appearance, Micah Taylor Bell.

"So I know that you–

I cut her off before she proceeded with that lie. "You don't know anything about me. So, don't sit here and act like you do. Counselor Kingley" I raise an eyebrow at her and roll my eyes as I close off my statement.

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