Chapter 5 - Lorenzo

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A few hours earlier.

I hadn't wanted to come to this goddam meeting. My mother did not want any part in this family business, so I was the one guy left to take the fall.

I had always hated leaving school before practice could even start, or before I could send a mass text to the team about my sudden absence. They weren't the ones who would be upset with it, they understood what I had to do. Sam, on the other hand, wouldn't be in the best of moods. I hadn't forgotten about our little "not date" that he asked me to go on later that evening, but again business calls. I did have to thank this meeting for one thing though, it distracted my father from knowing about the return of two certain people, which in his eyes, ruined my life.

"So I'm pretty sure you heard about the two insolent children returning to Enderra, did you not?" He says to me, as I take my seat in the back seat of the newest black luxury vehicle he had purchased recently.

How the fuck did he find out?

You know how Lorenzo.

"Ehh, I don't think I did. And besides who we are talking about." I shuddered in response, hoping he wouldn't lash out while his new driver was in the front seat. Frankie was off on vacation with his family. In two weeks he'd be gone, and I had already longed for the protection I so desperately needed at this moment.

"Ahh. So that's what we're playing at today, huh Yara?' Motherfucker did not just use my middle name, I can't believe that he's even mad about any of this.

I"m looking all around the car, no fucking escape, I mean the car is entering the freeway and speeding up fast. If I thought I would simply walk away and not sustain any injuries, then I was a fool.

"Dad, listen, can we talk about this later? Please." That came out more as a plea, than a request. "I don't want to talk about them."

That was a lie. All I wanted to do was talk to and about Micah and make all of it as it was before.

"Hmm, I guess we could, because I have invited them for dinner." He says as he shoves his phone in his suit pocket, and the driver opens the door. I hadn't noticed how fast he was really going during our entire conversation, that we already had made it to the office.

"What do you mean you invited them for dinner?" I continued as I got out of the car, surely he wasn't talking about Gage. He hated his fucking father with every fiber of his being, and Gage is a whole other story entirely, that I regret being a part of.

"Well you know that me and Mr. Jones aren't exactly friends, and plus Bianca wouldn't allow that especially after all the thing that transpired between you and his son," We enter the building striding past the front desk, of course they don't ask questions, and it's not even entirely his own building.

Well that's a bit of relief, but knowing he knows that Gage, and of course Micah are back, that's the only other person I can think about being at this dinner. Hopefully I can get through this meeting, while still keeping my head on my shoulders.

"Well, knowing the history of me and Micah, and not to mention the fact of how much you disagree. I'm rather surprised that you invited Micah." I stretched out the sound of his name to drive home the annoyance of who I am.

"You little shit," We enter the elevator, the doors close, and he pushes me against the back wall, forearm on my throat.. "Don't you EVER say his fucking name again, if it weren't for your mother I'd would've disowned you."

He takes his arm off my throat, leaving me gasping for air, and rubbing my throat. I can't believe this motherfucker put his hands on me again, if mom only knew. I hadn't realized that telling my father the truth would open me to a world of abuse, but here we are. I let out a few dry coughs before finally catching my breath.

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