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Victoria sighed as she glanced at Luna Violet Bella silver maya and Regina before boarding the hogwarts express just a week earlier Victoria had received a letter that she had been accepted to hogwarts and found out her parents had been wizards and that she had a twin brother she had been separated from as a baby. And apparently her birth name was Anastasia potter. Victoria had no idea that it was her destiny to become one of the most powerful witches who had ever lived. And she had no idea that she was the twin sister of Harry Potter the girl who lived. According to the acceptance letter she had received the professors at hogwarts had believed her to be dead after finding only harry after Voldemort's attack which had killed the twin's parents. They had no idea that Anastasia had been found by Rumplestilskin who had took the young baby girl in and raised her as his own protecting Anastasia from Voldemort by taking her to a land without magic storybrooke. Rumplestilskin of course knew the truth about Anastasia but he still raised Anastasia as his own daughter giving her the name Victoria. 

The witch Harry Potter x once upon a time crossover.Where stories live. Discover now