Judgement Day

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[Alex POV]

I opened my eyes and saw another werewolf. I couldn't tell who because it was blurry. He stuck his claws in my stomach. I picked him up and slammed him to the ground. I slid my claws across his face. I stuck them in his neck. I slid my claws across his throat and he laid dying. I look in the mirror and my eyes were blue.

My eyes shot open and I woke up. My heart was beating fast. And I was in the woods. I got up and was about to yell but someone covered my mouth. I turned to see Emily.

"Emily what is it." I whispered.

"It's Karra. Alex she was taken. I woke up early and I saw Kate dragging Karra out of the warehouse." Emily said.

"We didn't get found. We got set up. By Ivan." I said.

"Ivan doesn't know about his family." Emily said.

"He does." I said pulling up my shirt to show her the cut he gave me with the knife.

She touched it and it burned. I groaned in pain.

"It's wolfsbane." She said.

"I know. Its keeping me from shifting." I said.

I put my shirt down and went to Adam.

"Adam do you have anything that can help with wolfsbane?" I asked.

He handed me a bottle with a blue liquid in it. I drank some and I coughed up a yellow liquid. My wound healed. I went outside and met with Emily. We went to Ivan's house. We knocked on the door and Kate answered.

"About time you came." She said stabbing me with a knife.

Ivan shot Emily with a crossbow. Everything went black.

[Karra POV]

I'm back where I started my shifting. In Kate's basement. My mouth was covered with a wolfsbane soaked towel. Ivan dragged Emily and Alex down here and tied them up. Emily woke up but Alex was still out. Kate came down.

"So I see someone is up. So Emily tell me about yourself. What are you." Kate said.

"None of your buisness." Emily said.

"I was afraid you would say that." Kate said turning the knob on a control panel.

A buzzing sound went off then I felt an electric shock. I shifted and groaned in pain. I growled at Kate.

"Now thats what I like to see." Kate said.

I looked over at Emily who had fangs.

"A Vampire." I growled out.

"Look who's starting to wake up." Kate said.

I looked over at Alex. His claws are out. His head went down. And he ripped the wire he was tied up with and shifted. He looked at me. I looked into his eyes. The yellow in his eyes were fading. They were becoming a new color. The other color consumed his eyes and they weren't yellow or blue. They were red. He looked at Kate. She started backing up. He put his claws into her neck deeply. He slid them across and she dropped down.


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