Feed the birds

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For as quick and speedy as Scout could be he could be one hell of a procrastinator when it came to stuff he either wasn’t in the mood to deal with, or was just feeling way too freaking lazy to deal with. Every single teacher he had ever had in his lifetime could probably vouch for Scout’s skill in pushing things off to the very last minute. He had long lost count of the amount of school book reports he had pushed off till the very last second. Pushing off his homework till the very last second never ended well for him. All that ever ended up earning him was mornings full of frenzied panic as he put whatever the heck he could think of down on paper so he could turn it in only to get a bad grade. His oldest brother was always getting on his case about it.

“You know if you just did your homework the night before it is due you wouldn’t have to wake up before the sun rises and scramble to finish it,” His brother would always lecture him as he watched Scout try to finish his homework before they had to leave to catch the school bus. “If you wouldn’t push things off like this it would save you a lot of trouble in the end.”

Scout would always just roll his eyes at his brother’s lecturing, and promptly ignore him. Not that ignoring his brother ever made the lectures stop, but his brother could tell when Scout was officially tuning him out and that was all that really mattered. With that said deep down Scout knew that his brother did have a point. To be fair Scout never pushed off any job that was important, or downright urgent. He knew better then to waste time when his job required him to do something quick, or when something truly important was at stake. With that said if something didn’t have an urgent tag attached to it Scout was a bit too quick to label something as future Scout’s problem. The problem with that is that future Scout’s problem become current Scout’s problem once enough time had passed. He had been quick to label the bird issue as future Scout’s problem.

After he had done that he didn’t even think about it anymore for the rest of the night. Even when he had gone to dinner, and saw that the Medic wasn’t there he didn’t think about the issue for longer than a minute at most. Medic said he would have to perform surgery on the bird. Chances were high that the man was busy doing just that. For the briefest of seconds, he thought of possibly bringing a plate of the fried fish dish that Demoman had made that night for dinner to Medic, but Heavy ended up volunteering to do that instead. Not surprising really. Medic usually made sure to show up for dinner, but sometimes the man got caught up in his experiments. On those rare nights when Medic didn’t show up for dinner Heavy was usually the one to volunteer to either go and fetch the man, or to bring dinner to him.

With Heavy taking care of the Medic Scout didn’t really bother to think of Medic or the bird for the rest of the night. He honestly didn’t allow himself to. It was sort of hard to think about it when Pyro was dragging him into the rec room so that Scout could watch that Star Track series with Pyro and Engie. Pyro was hooked on the show the second they saw the first episode, and they were quick to show it to Engie and get him hooked too. Scout just happened to be in the room when Pyro stumbled upon the show, and somehow the firebug got it into their head that this meant that Scout had to join them whenever they watched it. Scout liked the show well enough, so he never complained. The second that the Star Track episode had ended Soldier took the TV over.

“It is my turn to have the TV, maggots!” Soldier had shouted as he started changing the channels to find something he liked.

Pyro had grumbled a bit about it, but it was late enough that Pyro had shrugged it off and went to bed. Engineer had only mumbled something about wanting to complete some blueprint idea before it got much later, and wished them good night. Scout stayed out in the rec room with Soldier for a bit longer if only because Soldier seemed to have a knack for finding the cheesiest films in existence. Sure enough that night Soldier had found another winner for the ‘cheesy horror movie’ category when he found some horror flick called Attack of the Crab Monsters. The movie was just as ridiculous as the title had made it sound. Scout probably would have stayed up late to watch the pure cheesy glory that the movie had to offer, but exhaustion and his own plans to wake up early tomorrow for his morning run ended up forcing him to bed. He went to bed that night not even thinking about Medic or the bird for a single second.

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