Getting to know you

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By the time everyone had returned back to the base the rainstorm had grown much worse. Thunder was rumbling in the background, and lightning periodically lit up the sky. The downpour was so strong that Scout was grateful that he had been able to get inside right when the storm started to get worse. With that said Scout wasn’t able to avoid getting absolutely soaked. He shivered as his sopping wet clothes clung to his body. The cold chill from the water was already starting to get to him. He tried to wring the water out of his clothes as best as he could before he started to walk around the base. Last thing he needed was to have someone yell at him for dripping water all over the place.

‘I need a warm shower,’ Scout thought. ‘And a change of clothes.’

As he took his shoes off he could not help but wince a little to see how soaked through they were. It was going to take forever for his shoes to dry out. Scout quickly took his socks off too while he was at it. Wearing wet socks was one of the worst feelings in the world. Once he had taken his shoes and socks off he tucked them under his arm and started to make his way toward his room. ‘Alright I need to drop my clothes off in my hamper, shower, and get dressed into something warmer,’ Scout thought. ‘Think tonight was my turn to make dinner too.’

Honestly, he couldn’t remember if tonight was his night to cook or not. He was going to have to check the chore chart. The thought of the chore chart made him mentally snort in a bit of amusement. The chart was something that ended up coming into creation two weeks into their time working together. To some extent it was made to keep things fair as far as chores go, but mostly it was as a reminder for the more forgetful members of the team, and to keep fights from breaking out over chores. Heavy had been the one to bring up the idea of a chore chart.

“A chore chart helped keep things in order in my family,” Heavy had said. “It should also work for us, da?”

No one really argue against him on that, and honestly it did end up being rather useful. Scout definitely didn’t argue against it. Scout’s Ma has used a chore chart for him and his brothers to keep fights over chores from breaking out. If it worked for him and his out of control brothers, then it should work for a group of mercenaries. Scout mentally shook away his thoughts about how the chore chart came to be as he added checking the chore chart to his mental list of things to do. The chart was hanging on the wall in the rec room, and he had to pass by that room on his way to his bedroom. He could pop his head in there to check it really quickly since he was going to be walking past there anyway.

Upon reaching the rec room Scout looked inside. Most of the mercenaries were already in there. He could see Pyro and Demoman sitting on the couch watching the TV. It looked like Pyro had gotten ahold of the controller because The Flintstones were currently playing on the television instead of one of those court drama shows that Demoman liked so much. Heavy was sitting on the rec room’s only recliner reading some Russian book if the Russian writing on the front was anything to go by. Sniper, Spy, and Engineer had started up a game of poker at the poker table that was sitting in the corner of the room. He couldn’t see Soldier anywhere, but Scout didn’t worry too much about that. The man was somewhere at the base doing whatever the hell it was that Soldier did to pass the time.

Upon spotting Scout standing in the doorway Spy was quick to say “You look like a drowned rat.”

Scout was quick to flip Spy the bird upon hearing that. “Shove it Spy,” Scout grumbled.

Engineer was quick to stop what was quickly going to be an incoming argument by saying “Alright, let’s not fight. Scout, did you need something? If not, you really should get out of those wet clothes. Don’t want you getting sick.”

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