I got your back

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If there was one good thing to come from the Administrator starting the countdown for battle it was the fact that Scout instantly had something to distract him from the fact that he may have just signed himself up for helping Medic take care of his birds for the next couple of weeks. It was easy to stay distracted when he had to get ready for the day's battle. Most of the battlefields in this area were within walking distance of the base. The only exception to the rule was the Gorge battlefield which took about an hour to get to by car. Thankfully, today’s battle was taking place at Sawmill which was easily within walking distance. Upon stepping outside Scout could see that the sky was already starting to turn a dark stormy gray. It had been a bit cloudy when Scout had returned to the base from his morning run, but it had clearly gotten a lot worse while he had been inside. That seemingly nice weather from early that morning apparently hadn't been there to stay.

“It’s going to start raining real soon,” Sniper commented as he stared up at the gray sky overhead.

“Of course it is going to rain,” Spy grumbled. “We are going to Sawmill. It always rains when we go to Sawmill.”

Spy had a point. For some reason whenever they went to Sawmill it always rained. Not once had they ever fought there when it was a clear sunny day.

“Sometimes it feels like the higher ups make sure to send us to Sawmill whenever they learn that we are going to get rain,” Engineer joked.

Demoman let out a small huff of amusement upon hearing that, and said “You joke, but I honestly think that they might actually do that.”

Spy picked up the pace a bit as he said “Can we please hurry? I would prefer to get to the battlefield before the rain kicks in.”

“Why?” Scout questioned. “You are just going to get wet when the fight starts.”

The glare that Spy shot him made it clear that he didn’t appreciate that comment.

“Maybe I want to enjoy my time of being nice and dry as long as I possibly can,” Spy snapped.

Scout only shrugged upon hearing that. Spy’s rather sour attitude didn’t bother Scout as much as it normally would have. Sawmill was one of Spy’s least favorite battlefields, and everyone knew it. He hated getting his suit wet, and fighting in the rain was a nightmare to him. It only made sense that the always rainy Sawmill would so heavily despised by him. After fighting together for so long Scout had gotten used to how irritable Spy would get when they went to Sawmill. Upon reaching Sawmill they entered the RED Respawn building, and quickly started to prepare for battle. Upon reaching his locker Scout quickly started to plan out what equipment he would bring with him.

‘We are fighting a King of the Hill fight today, so my scattergun should be good enough.’ He thought as he pulled out his scattergun.

What else should he bring with him? He brushed his fingers over the handle of his Boston Basher bat only to shake his head. While it was a good weapon if used carefully he had used it in the last battle. It would probably be wise to use something else if only to keep the BLU team on their toes. His moved from one weapon to another trying to figure out what he wanted to go with. Eventually his eyes landed on the Sandman. Scout smiled as he looked at the wooden bat.

“That will work,” Scout murmured as he pulled the bat out.

He could always send baseballs flying with the good ol’ Sandman, and stunning a couple of BLUs by hitting them in the head hard enough with a baseball would be very useful here.

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