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Isaac's POV

Personally, I thought this movie was stupid, but Danny needed to study it, and I also couldn't leave, otherwise I would wake the girl next to me.

10 minutes into the movie she fell asleep, and her head fell onto my shoulder.

I kept glancing at her, making sure she was asleep, or comfortable, I didn't really know the reason.

When she arrived with Jackie, I'm not sure what happened, because since then, she's all I could think about. 

I'm not sure why, or if it's a bad thing, but she has consumed my mind, and no matter what, I can't stop it.

"She's asleep?" Jackie asked as she walked into the living room, gazing at her sister in shock.

"Guess she was tired," I said, and did a half shrug.

"Why do you look shocked?" Nathan asked her.

She hesitated before answering, "She doesn't sleep a lot," Jackie mumbled, still looking at her sleeping sister.

"Why not?" I asked before I thought.

Again, she hesitated, and looked afraid to answer the question, "I'm not sure, she just hasn't slept good in a while."

After that Danny shushed us all, making Lee chuckle, and Jackie walk out of the room.

I totally forgot about the movie and started thinking about what Jackie said.

She doesn't sleep a lot, why wouldn't she? Is she like scared to sleep? Something on her mind?

I couldn't stop thinking about why she couldn't sleep. I mean does she like not sleep on purpose? Or can she like actually not sleep?

She suddenly jolted up into a sitting position, her eyes wide, and her breathing heavy.

All eyes turned to her, and Nathan was the first to speak, "Hey, are you okay?"

We all stared at her, a mixture of worry and confusion.

She just nodded, "Yeah, uh- fine, I'm just going to- yeah." She stumbled over her words, and just stood and walked out.

"What happened?" Danny asked confused as us all.

"No clue, she just jumped up," I told him.

They all looked at the door frame, where she just walked out of, in confusion. Danny shook his head and started watching the movie again.

Did she have a nightmare?  I asked myself. Does she have them a lot? Is that why she can't sleep? 

My mind was plagued with questions as I stared at the TV.

I checked my phone, suddenly becoming tired, and saw it was 9:30. I was done with this movie, I don't know how Danny liked it, it was so boring, and there was no action.

I stood and bid the boys a goodnight before making my way upstairs, just to bump into Camila on her way out of the bathroom.

She was in shorts and a t-shirt, and her hair was dripping. She said a quiet sorry and tried to walk past me, but I stopped her by gently grabbing her wrist.

"Hey, uh- are you okay?" I asked quietly.

She stared at where my hand was, before looking up to me. It was now that I noticed the bags under her eyes, and she looked really tired.

I let go of her wrist and waited for an answer.

She shrugged and walked away, entering her room and shutting the door softly.

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