1. Cool Campers

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Ven: "Come on, Velv. It's ok to come out, you might even like-"

Velv: "There's no WAY I'm getting out of this car. To be in the dirt with bugs, roughing it out alone! UGH!"

Velv slams the door in my face, crossing her arms angrily. I sigh, deciding to leave her. Dad gets out of the front seat and walks around to Velv's door.

Dad: "Get you and your sister's suitcases out of the trunk. I'll work on getting her out of the car."

I nod, pulling my suitcase out with ease, yet finding the weight of Velv's suitcase to be much more challenging. Dad pulls an arguing Velv out of the car, closing the door with a huff.

Ven: "Velv, what'd you pack in here?"

Velv: "The necessities, of course! I am NOT spending a month here in this dump without my clothes, makeup, and accessories."

Dad: "The point of this trip was to give up everyday luxuries and learn to appreciate what you have."

Velv rolls her eyes, waving him off.

Velv: "I will learn that as long as I have everything with me."

Dad sighs, shaking his head as he takes her suitcase from me. We walk down the dusty lane to the check-in lodge. Dad talks to the worker, leaving Velv and me to look around.

Velv: "Eww! Ven! Look!"

She points to a slimy slug inching along the ground. I can't lie and say I like the sight of it.

Ven: "That is pretty gross."

Velv: "Oh! Oh, I can't! Oh, I'm done, I'm going back to the car."

She points to a small rodent running across the path, the little animal looking harmless. Dad notices Velv's attempt to escape and grabs her wrist to keep her from leaving.

Velv: "I'm going to DIE out here! Please, I want to go home."

Dad says nothing, dragging Velv down the path. I grab her suitcase, hurrying after them. She complains the whole way until we reach the cabins.

Other campers walk around, looking at Velv from the noise she's making. Once she realizes we have some eyes on us, her whole demeanor shifts. She'd be caught DEAD before having people see her make a fool of herself.

Dad walks us to cabin 4, finally letting go of Velv's hand.

Dad: "I think this will be good for you both, ok? Just give it a chance. If you really hate it after one week, I'll drive down and get you, alright?"

I nod while Velv huffs, her visibly upset, yet no longer arguing. She hugs Dad first, then grabs her suitcase and heads inside.

Dad: "Watch after her, okay? She needs to experience making friends other than those she bullies into being friends with her. This place will do you both good; remember I went here. Take care, bud."

With that, he pats my shoulder, walking back up the path to his car. I watch him drive away, finally deciding I should enter the cabin.

Walking in, I see Velv has already set up our side of the room. She's set up all of her stuff on the desk, turning it into a makeup vanity. I don't mind; I wasn't planning on doing much with the desk anyway.

I unpack my clothes, seeing she's taken up our entire drawer with her clothes. Sighing, I leave my clothes in my suitcase. We share clothes anyway, so it won't be that big of a deal.

Velv groans as she lays on the bed, looking very uncomfortable.

Ven: "Want my pillow?"

Velv turns her head at me, a surprised look crossing her face.

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