Chapter 8 Darkness

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It's been half a moon since Mudpaw has gone back to his clan I sent Buddy away thanking him for his assistance and reprimanded Spanglecloud and made him do some apprentice chores he didn't complain at least. It doesn't help though that half the clan took Spangleclouds side his words echo through me 'take control back' I grunt with frustration theirs always a better way. As I get up from my bed and head out of my den its a sunny day today perfect for the event of Ratpaws assement Ive taken the liberty of starting it today given everything that has happend the clan deserves a win, it'll lift spirits hopefully besides its been 5 moons since her apprenticeship she's ready I head over to Snowear who seems to be enjoying a vole on one of the sunning boulder as I head over I notice Emberclaw and Honeyfur talking amongst each other jealousy rides over me the thought makes me boil but I mustn't express it I'm sure if Honeyfur ever changed her feeling about me she would have told me, I must trust her. "hello Brightstar a beautiful sun today isn't it" snowear says with excitement in his voice he wasn't this excited when Mudpaw was around hm I suppose many weren't "yes indeed mind if I join, I wish to discuss an important matter" I say with a smile Snowear nods and I jump on the boulder. Its smoothness and warmth melts me with comfort as I lay down "So what is this important matter it's not about Honeyfur is it, I've told you I'm a medicine cat, not a tree you can express every concern about " Snowear says half-jokingly I shake my head "no it's about Ratpaw I was thinking we give her the chance to complete her assessment ever since we've brought back Whitclaws body she's been..." "distant" he finishes my sentence I nod an agreement as Snowear finish's his prey and look across the camp to Ratpaw who is helping Cometheart back to the elder's den he looks to me and gives me a nod of approval very well time for an assessment.

I get up and head over to the elders den as I hear Cometheart and Ratpaw talking "well perhaps if you wish say sorry just see him" as I cut in "pardon me mother but I wish to speak with Ratpaw" Cometheart looks to me and gives me a warm smile as she says "why of course oh and Ratpaw if you ever need advice do not be afraid to ask" as she walks off into the den leaveing me and Ratpaw alone "what do you need Brightstar?" Ratpaw says with calm quietness "well its been around 5 moons and youve been doing quite well and I belevie you are ready for your assessment" I say with exctiement in my voice she looks at me with confusion then realization "are you serious" she ask "very serious in fact me and Snowear will see to it personally and watch you" I say "thank you Brightstar I wont fail you or Snowear" perfect im glad she'll finally be able to prove to herself "good then meet me and Snowear by the exit of camp we'll began their" she give me a nod and runs off to the exit I head off to Snowear to get him on my walk their Lunareyes a black tom with orange eyes walk beside me "Brightstar I was on a patrol with Sunnypelt and Sandnose and we found some strange scents by our borders" he states, concerning "well pick someone to go with you to examine further it could be mudclan you know they love their dirt" I command as Lunareyes trots off "yes Brightstar" I hope this doesn't become more of a problem as I get Snowear we head out to the forest when we reach the middle of the forest in front of huge tree "now Ratpaw the assessment for a sun warrior is a simple one, you must first catch a prey larger than a mouse and climb the tallest tree to the top as a sun warrior we are connect to our burning star that starclan has given us it is our mission which is why we must reach the closet to it." Ratpaw nods "is their anything else?" she ask with anticipation I turn to Snowear to see if he has anything to add "just be careful" Ratpaw nods and begans her assessment we follow silently behind her so not to disrupt her focus "snowear do think mudclan is a threat" I ask quietly he looks to me with concern "I dont know Brightstar I think every clan could be a threat but war with them is unnecessary" he states "yeah your right I know I'm just worried" Snowear loses his concern look and says "you should just focus on the clan and perhaps on what is good for you I know being a leader is stressful perhaps" he sighs "spend some time with Honeyfur start building something" I look at him with a hopeful look, it wasn't the answer I was hopeing for I mean I care for Honeyfur but if war comes to sunclan then their is no future at all.

as the day goes on we watch as Ratpaw catchs a decently sized bird and as she climbs up a large tree she found we see her get to the top she climbs down and we reappear "how was that" ratpaw ask with excitement "hm more than wonderful head back to camp and Ill call a clan meeting" I say quickly as she runs back to camp the trip back to camp takes a awhile as the sun begins to set a long its been as we enter camp I head to the highrock as I jump up with the veiw of the sunset "all cat old enough to hunt come to the highrock for a clan meeting" as begin to gather around "now we all know how tough these past weeks have been with the death of Whiteclaw and the mudclan cats but we have persevered and stand strong and the cat who has stood the strongest has been Ratpaw who today has finally completed her apprenticeship and I will now perform her warrior ceremony Ratpaw please step forward" as I say this Ratpaw moves graciously to the center of the highrock "I, Brightstar, leader of sunclan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. she has trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend her to you as a warrior in her turn. Ratpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life" she stands looking up at me determination in her eyes "I do"  "Then by the powers of starclan, I give you your warrior name. Ratpaw, from this moment on you will be known as Ratnose. StarClan honors your steadfast, and we welcome you as a full warrior of sunclan." as I finish the crowd of cats began to chant "Ratnose,Ratnose,Ratnose" "that will be all" as I see the sun gone and nothing but darkness as the sound footsteps gets louder.

In a flash 5 or more cats rush into camp all with brown mucky fur as they strike my clan in a moment I'm pushed down from the highrock as a cat is on top of me I quickly push the cat off before they could slash at me I quickly look up to see the whole camp fighting I see a cat pounce on Cometheart "no!!" as I quickly rush over to the cats scuffling I jump at the muddy cat and claw his face as he jumps back and says "I knew that would get your attention Brightstar" his voice is recognizable its Gatorstar "leave my mother alone she is just an elder" I demand as Gatorstar stares me down and chuckles "does it truly matter" his words chilling I yowl as I launch towards him Gatorstars face filled with glee as I crash into him as we begin to scratch and tear at each others flesh the pain searing us both we pull off from each other blood flows from my head to my eyes as one of them goes blind I look to see if Cometheart is safe I see Honeyfur getting her to safety okay good have to stay focus as I take a deep breath "this doesnt have to end with death, peace can still be acheived" I plead but falls on deaths ears as Gatorstar lunges at me pushing me down, my strength failing me "you really are weak at least your father put up better fight" as Gatorstar gloats I go limp the pain of the wounds hurting too much. "I hope you enjoyed this life" as he goes for a killing blow I hear a loud yell "no!" as I see Gatorstar get pushed off me a cat with collar of some kind jumps in my defense, is that "Buddy?" I ask weakly all he says is "stay down Brightstar" as he races to Gatorstar as they go into a fight I start to get dragged away I look up to see Spanglecloud pulling me to the medicine den my clan I've failed you as I close my eye I see nothing but darkness.

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