Chapter 9 Light

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the battle is fierce I try my best to take on cats who wont do to much damage a few swipes and dodges as I slip through the crowd of fighting cats only to stumble on "Ratpaw?" I say surprised though I shouldn't really, I knew I'd see her on the field she freezes looking at me "its Ratnose now" As she lunges at me, I quickly dodge before she lands on me. "Wait before we do this I'm sorry" She stops for a moment the fierce anger dissipating for a quick second her eyes staring me down "Me too you were only trying to help" We both look at each other as if we both knew that this fight was pointless but necessary as we both lunge at each other both of us swiping at each other but none of us exchanging fatal blows only waiting for one of us to slip up when she catches me by tripping me up and putting to the floor "we need to talk," I say she looks at me as if she was the one defeated she grunts with frustration "okay meet me at the great hollow tomorrow," she says when a yowl comes from behind us "no!" I look to see an orange she cat yell from the elder's den it seems Gatorstar is about to kill Brightstar when a fast running cat crashes into Gatorstar it's him the kittypet as he puts Gatorstar down to the ground as if he knew exactly where to strike, he ruptures Gatorstar throat as Brightstar is dragged away I watch as Gatorstar loses one of his lives his 8th one if I recall, Ratnose gets off me as she rushes to Brightstar I hear Longfang yell "mudclan retreat" she rushes to Gatorstar shoving Buddy out of the way as she puts Gatorstar on her back as the mudclan cats retreat me along with them.

we rush back to camp as Longfang rushes to the medicine den I begin to start licking my wounds the pain is mild the mud we put on before the battle has worn off and every cat looks tired Tortoisepaw comes out of the den and starts examining everyone she eventually comes to me and checks on my wounds she gives me a worried look "how as the battle?" she ask her voice giving off a since of jealousy "about as well as could be expected but that kittypet showed up" I say seeing if she gives off any reaction she stops checking my wound as she stares to me her brown eyes muddying my view I wish I could know what she's thinking "oh really that kittypet you keep talking about strange perhaps sunclan is allowing anyone in their clan" she says with no further reaction she seem to even smirk at the thought I grunt with disappointment perhaps telling Ratnose might make me feel less crazy I just hope she can trust me a little longer my sister leaves my side and checks on the other cats I make my way to the apprentice den I see Stoneface and Beepaw talking amonst each other outside the den "hey mousebrain how was the battle?" Stoneface hollers to me "what Beepaw didnt fill you in on all the details" I respond with a tired voice "well it seems Stoneface wanted to get the real juicy details from you sinc eyou were the closet when Gatorstar.." Beepaw stops at the mention of Gatorstar I look down to the ground and shake my head "nohting was worth it" I say walking into the den as I go lay in my bed with a sigh I close my eyes.

I awake to the bustling of sound of cats outside as I get up and stretch my body "whats going on out there" I say to myself as step outside to see cats gathering around the great oak I head to the gathering cats and sit next to Stoneface "whats going on" I ask he looks to me and says "Longfang was just discussing the battle saying we should ready a lot of patrols incase of retaliation" I doubt they would we really shook them in that battle and from what I've seen off Brightstar I doubt that he would send an attack as I'm thinking I hear Longfang voice get closer as she comes too me and says "perfect I'm glad your awake Mudpaw I need you to go on a patrol with me Stoneface you can come too" Stoneface gets up seemingly excited about the patrol "of course Longfang" he says as we began to exit out of the camp together we walk out through the marshes as we walk Stoneface slows down to my pace I look at him his scarred face looking back to me the thought of that gator ripping him a part gives me chills "is it difficult?" I ask the he looks to me and then to the floor "everyhting has been difficult its like half of the world is closed to me I can barely hear out of the damaged ear and my eye only left so the fact im here means alot" his voice is low and sad "look what I said that day...your not a half blood, okay." his words sting me with apologies "friends?" I say he turns his head to me so I can see his full face the scars on it have healed but the damage irreversible "friends." he states we give both of us a smile as we continue on the patrol as the day goes on we make it back to camp no sign of sunclan Im not surprised we really weakened them as I think on the battle my mind rattles with images of Ratnose if we hadnt met before the battle would we even be meeting today should I even meet her, yes I must see her she the a cat I can trust.

as night begans to fall I wait till my clan goes to bed I get up from the bed as I creep out of the apprentice den I see mosstongue a brownish black she cat standing on guard by the entrance I need to get past her I look around for any type of distraction I could use "Mudpaw what are you doing up" I jump at the words and turn to see Tortoisepaw who is standing  next to him with a budnle of herbs in her mouth " its just that" I stumble with my words whats a good excuse she stops me from saying anything "relax you need get out of camp dont you?'" she says with understanding "how did you" "were siblings I get it, let me help" as she heads over to Mosstongue and says somthing to her withen a few miniutes the she cats walk away to the medicine den huh guess ill never doubt my sister as I quickly make a break for the exit and head into the marshes I have to be careful the night time in the marshes are filled with worse predator's I quickly roll in some mud to cover my white pelt and scent once I finish rolling around I start to make my way to the great hollow as the moon rise to the peak as clouds go past it as I enter the clearing I see Ratnose sitting in front of the tree look at the dirt "hey its me Ratnose" I say moving towards her she perks her head up at me she gives no expression of joy or sadness "what is you wanted to say Mudpaw" her question is fair "when I fell in the river somthing happened I had a vision from starclan" I tell her everything from what starclan has told me to my dreams and about Buddy she looks to me as if reading me her eyes goes wide "I cant believe it, this is crazy why haven't you told your leader or your mentor" her words sting true "because your the only I can trust to help me, to help the clans." I plead she seem taken aback by my words "okay fine I.." she sighs  "I trust you, now what do we do" I take a moment to think what is the plan clearly Buddy cant be trusted but who else "you should warn Brightstar about Buddy and if that doesnt work maybe try spying on him yourself we just have to make sure theirs no more blood shed a war is coming and it wont be just a battle it'll be a slaughter" I say concern in my voice "then we have a problem" Ratnose says with more dread "what?!" she takes a breath and says "because he's not Buddy anymore he's Brackenpaw Brightstar let him into the clan."                                

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