Chapter 10 Sunset

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[Real quick before you read yes this chapter is really, really long and I apologize.  My intention is to finish this as a 10-chapter story but it's so hard to write and not let the words take over the page, so please enjoy the finale of the first book, and thank you for reading.] 

I wake up in the medicine den my body aching with pain, I look around and see multiple warriors in the den as I notice Ratnose and Snowear tending to the wounded "Brightstar are you awake?" I turn to the voice to my relief it's Honeyfur who is sitting beside me "Honeyfur?" I ask weakly she quickly moves to grab some wet moss and puts it to my face "Yes it's me Brightstar drink some of this before you speak" I slowly lap my tongue on the cool moss the water flowing down my throat I cough a bit and look up to her seeing her face. She has some wounds on her cheek but it seems to be healing "what happened?" I ask Honeyfur sets down the moss and curls herself around me "You were blacking out after Gatorstars attack you were lucky that kittypet was there, he's probably the only reason you're alive right now, thank starclan for that I was.." she cuts herself off as she places her head on me, the comfort of her pelt gives me life I take some deep breaths "im sorry, im sorry I scared you if I was stronger I could've stopped him myself." the guilt washing over me "it doesn't matter now, your alive and that's what's important we need to focus on the future, you should focus on the future." Her words provide security for me she's right these past moons I've been so wrapped up in the past, what father would do, what he did, what I did. The future I just want to spend with you "In that case I love you Honeyfur and if I'm ever gonna worry about the past I want it to be how I've never said it to you before, I love you" I turn to look at her hope filling me up inside and her joyful expression. "I love you Brightstar and I want you to always remember that I'll be here for you in battle and in love, guess now you're just forgetting a few words." She says with a soft chuckle, right "Honeyfur would you make me the happiest tom alive, would you be my mate" She gives me a lick on the forehead "I thought you'd never ask" she says as we curl up closer than ever at least I did one thing right.

as we rest together time feels slow, timeless until Spangledcloud comes into the medcine den "glad to see your not dead we need to talk" I raise my head to his words I don't really wish to talk most of the time they end with disappointment "sure give me a report first" I  say he simply nods and sits down in front off me "well we have about 4 injured and no dead it seems mudclan have fully left and fled back to their camp after Gatorstars death and that dungface of a kittypet wont leave, says he wants too talk with you" I take in the words and think, no cats dead is good and with their leaders death I doubt they would attack again, Buddy I should speak with him he saved my life "Brightstar we should plan a counter attack we cant let this go unpunished!" his words flared with anger "no! No we will not, more bloodshed will not solve this and if you have a problem with that then you should take a walk." Spangledcloud steps back with a little shock "but Brightstar..." I quickly cut him off "no I order you to not press this issue are we clear." my voice stern he looks at anger filling his eyes "crystal" as he stomps out of the den without another word control back huh what a world. Time to get to work as I take a step out of the bed pain quickly shoots at me the scars of the battle "here let me help you out" as Honeyfur quickly goes to my side and lets me put my weight on her "thank you my love" I say with a smile as we both exit the medicine den and into the camps clearing.

as we step out of the den, it seems to be a cloudy day I see a few cats heading out on patrols as I scan the camp I notice Buddy strolling up to me "Brightstar im glad your alright" he says to me as he gets closer his face looking distressed I shake my fur trying to rub out the thoughts of last night "thank you for your concern Buddy if it hadnt been for you I'd be as good as dead" I say with forced smile despite the herbs given to me the pain was overwhelming "yes well I was hopeing to ask you somthing their was a reason I showed last night, and its because I would like to join your camp or clan?" he says it seemingly unsure I suppose its a risk to ask a clan leader if one can join he does promise he manged to stop Gatorstar while im htinking Honeyfur speaks up "are you even sure youd want to join the clan it is something not to be taken lightly" he words filled with stern conviction it suprises me a little Buddy nods his head and state "yes I am aware of the struggle it would be, but I cannot live by myself anymore and I'm willing to put in the hard work." I look at him more closely only now noticeing how skinny he is looks to be desprate I take a sigh and look to Honeyfur for any approval she looks to me her face not conveying any promise of this cat "okay Buddy Im willing to let you in the clan but you'll to have to learn how to be a real warrior which means apprentice training" as soon as the words come out of my mouth Buddys demoanor changed instantly as a grin came off his face "thank you so much brightstar you wont regret this" Buddy says bowing his head multiple times I hope I wont regret this either I move past Buddy signalling him to follow as I limp to the highrock with Honeyfurs help "you think this is a good idea Honeyfur?" I ask hopeing for some consolation she takes a second to answer then says "Brightstar I trust your judgment just dont get too wrapped up in it, he saved your life your giving him his second chance at a new one" her words calm I nod my head to her and give her a lick on the cheek as I jump on the Highrock time for a clan meeting.

as I step on the rock it feels cold the memory of the attack still feels fresh, I look out to the clan "all cats old enough to hunt come to the highrock for a clan meeting" as the cats begin to gather around I look up to the sky and see the grey of clouds and a mist of water start to fall down on me I look back down towards my gatherd clan and say "we have been attacked by mudclan and we were badly damged I know some of you want to strike back at this insult to us but we cannot let their hatred win we'll discuss what comes next at the gathering were we all have answers I do not wish to have any of you die over this which leads me to some news for thanks and bravery I have decided to let a new member into our clan Buddy please step foward." as Buddy steps up to the front of the highrock I hear a few murmurs from cats but Ignore them "if it wasnt for you i would have been dead, so with starclans approval I Brightstar leader of sunclan call upon my ansctors to look at this cat too see if he is worthy of being a warrior Buddy are prepared to lay down your life for this clan and to train and learn of our ways despite your orgin?" I look to him with a resolute stare he bows his head to me and says "I do Brightstar" as he pulls his head up I give him a freindly smile "then by the powers given to me you will now be named Brackenpaw and your mentor shall be Sunnypelt" I look to the shecat whose face gives no joy or reaction to my words she steps up next to Brackenpaw and says "I shall teach him the ways of the warrior" I nod to her in thanks "then this meeting shall be dismissed" as hobble off the highrock after the meeting silances seemed to have fallen the clan as Honeyfur helps me to my den as I enter the mist of the water turns to rain as cats begin to head to their dens I lay down in my bed as look too the back of the wall nothing but frustaion can fill my mind "I can leave you alone if you time to think" as I turn my head around to meet Honeyfurs gaze "no please, stay with me I'd rather not be alone tonight" as I say it comes out desprate she walk over to the bed and lays down next to me our bodies cuddled togther as began to close my eyes with comfort.

As I awake the next day it seems the rain has stopped, my dreams have been nice for once as I look over to Honeyfur she seems to be in a deep sleep it wasn't all so bad I suppose as quietly get up and stretch I touch nose's with Honeyfur and whisper "sleep well my love" as I step out of my den the smell of moring air refreshs me and I step down to meet with Spanglecloud he looks to me and says "Brightstar good moring I hope today we can start things off fresh" I look to him and say "yes indeed your punishment is over we need to start moring patrols and gather the cats who arnt injured I need a patrol to come with me" spanglecloud looks puzzled then responds "a patrol where?" Quickly I answer "to mudclan, I wont wait for the gathering to make peace" Spanglecloud give me a nod and heads off too start ordering cats. I head to the elders den when I enter and I hear Cometheart and Skyheart talking when they see me they stop and Cometheart gets up and rubs her muzzle on to mine and says "Im glad your doing better, Spanglecloud wouldn't lets us leave the den incase of another attack" she gives me an affectionate lick on the cheek "thank you mother for worrying, if anything I should be worried about you" I say with concern in my voice she simply scoffs "oh please, their is never any need to worry about me, im old and I've lived a lifetime now its your turn" I look at her in dismay "mother please will you just take my concern seriously! I don't want to lose you I cant not after-" Cometheart cuts me off "your father" I put my head down in shame why cant he just leave my mind Cometheart continues "its okay son I'm not lost to the pain you feel because of him, but your letting him destroy you, you cant let the past come consume you. I mean look around you what you've accomplished I'm proud." she states "but is he proud, of me would he have been" I say finally looking up at her she shakes her head and says "does it matter? You cant make up for the sins of the past by looking back at it forever, sometimes the best thing you can do is look foward." her strong gaze goes soft as she licks me on the ear "be the leader you want to be and I'll make sure to take my health seriously because, I love you." her words are comforting to hear I touch my nose to hers and walk out of the den                                  

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