Chapter 6

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As Thunder Strike's eyes slowly adjusted to the bright light outside, she realized what she had just seen. Or, more specifically, who she had just seen. "Moonlight..." Tia hissed.

How could she have remembered everything so clearly? Was it a spell she had performed and forgot? I have to forgive Moon. Does she even remember? Should I chew her out? That was so brutal... I need to study more. About visions. How could Moon have possibly run into me before? Tia took three deep breaths and headed outside, into the sunlight to warm her aching, cold heart. "Thank god I was sleeping." Thunder Strike sighed into the sky. That's when Lightzilla came into view.

"Whatcha doin out here, little princess?" He smirked. Tia, exasperated, hissed "I am not a princess, fat boi. Do not question my sanity." Lightzilla glared at Thunder Strike. He whined and shouted "WHY ARE YOU SOOO POPULAR??! I should obviously be the best choice here. I don't get anyone. Obviously I'm the best. You are just a silly little blue dragon that acts like a prissy duchess. You don't deserve anything." Tia was astonished at how Lightzilla literally stated everything that wasn't true about her. Thunder Strike stared into Lightzilla's eyes and tilted her head. "What's up with you today? You seem a bit annoyed. You good?" Tia asked. Lightzilla glowered at Thunder Strike and tried to punch her in the face. Tia, knowing this would happen, silently jumped out of reach and quickly slashed Lightzilla's arm, barely skimming the surface of his scales on purpose. Lightzilla screamed and pouted for about thirty seconds, turned, and sashayed away. Tia never knew what was up with Lightzilla. He was always in her way, and never seemed to like her. "Guess it's just mutual. It's just correlative." Thunder Strike guessed.

That was enough drama. Tia was completely done. All she wanted to do was be wrapped up in her parents' wings and never be let go. I should go find Moonlight. Let's see if she will tell the truth. Thunder Strike sped down the hallway and ended up in Moon's sleeping corner. "Moon? Moon? Are you awake?" Tia half whispered, half scolded. "Yeeesss..." Stella retorted. Thunder Strike rolled her eyes and snorted. "Don't act like that. You know what you did. Get up and confess." Ivory looked puzzled. "Confess what? I didn't do anything!" Thunder Strike hissed threateningly. "Oh yes you did. Remember nine years ago? Remember me in Delta!? What did you do to my sister? All three of you have to answer. I have a very good memory." Pearl frowned. "What happened to your sister? Did... did she..?" Thunder Strike growled in a low voice, getting more provoked by the second. "YES, SHE DID. And it's ALL YOUR FAULT. Don't you remember the spear? Anything? She was my SISTER!!!"

Stella, uncharacteristically, was silent. Ivory straightened up her neck. "Oh, don't you DARE growl at me like that. I will strangle you. I DON'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT YOU AND YOUR DUMB SISTER!!!" Pearl shushed Ivory, after seeing the antagonized look on Tia's face. Thunder Strike let out a crackle of electricity and lashed her tail. "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU??!!" She bellowed. Stella looked down at the ground. Ivory started snapping at the air. "Look," Ivory started to exclaim, but was interrupted by Stella, who stood up and faced Tia, looking her directly in the eye, like she had in the battle. Ivory aimed her head at Thunder Strike, ready to lash out. Pearl, mostly looked like she wanted to get out of this mess and fall back asleep. Tia stared back at Stella, ready to attack.

Stella sighed. She began "Oh, Tia. I can't hide this from you. I know. I was there. I'm sorry." Thunder Strike expected something more honest. "YOU WERE THERE?! WELL THEN WHO WAS THE ONE THAT KILLED HER?!!" Stella began to tremble in fear, standing under the shadow of furious Thunder Strike.

That was when the blow hit. Ivory sank her teeth into Tia's neck, trying to find a soft spot to dig in. She was dark gray, steaming with anger. Thunder Strike, finally not able to hold back her wrath, slashed out with her claws. Those talons connected with Moon's chest, and it started to bleed. Tia then whipped her tail around, smacking Moonlight into a wall. Thunder Strike roared with all her might "ANSWER ME THIS INSTANT! OR YOU'RE NOT STAYING IN THIS WORLD FOR TOO LONG." Tia held down the trio's necks and waited until they stopped thrashing. Thunder Strike dropped the unconscious heads and stalked out of the room, enraged.

I hope I can forgive them, but that won't be soon. I want off the ground anyway. I'm going to find my family if any are alive. I can't believe them.

Thunder Strike thought about what to do with her life for a moment. She wondered if she should just give up trying and lay back down, controlled by Horizon and Nightmare. Tia shook her head. That wouldn't happen in a million years. Never, in fact. That would never happen until she killed Nightmare. I need allies. Someone that will trust me and follow me. Unlike Lightzilla. Like my parents and all my friends from before. I'll sneak out tonight. I'm not going to talk to anyone, most certainly not Moon. I'll kill her if she attacks me one more time. Thunder Strike turned around and went back inside, awaiting the moon to rise.

Tonight, Tia would be preparing a feast. (Like almost every single day, and no one would come up and help her.) She set about chopping the fish, and roasting the chicken. Well, there's another reason I should escape. Christmas would just be back-breaking labor for me. No reason to stay and pamper them. When Thunder Strike was done finishing up the meal, she flew up to the garden balcony of her home, and regarded the sunset for a little while. "This has been my home for so many years now. I've never tried searching for a new one. That's about to change. There is much more to explore out in the world. " Tia remarked.

Finishing her comment, she lifted herself into the sky, sapphire blue scales sparkling in the ever-dimming light, and disappeared into the night sky, swallowed up by the clouds.

Songbird, Book 1: Sun's ArrivalWhere stories live. Discover now