Chapter six

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Miranda was always restless...

While she paced the halls unable to sleep any longer, Paul laid in his bed,  sleeping rather soundly with the occasional twitch as his dreams plagued him. Dreams edging a dangerous border between vision and desire; things that would come to be and others he longed to happen.

He finally woke with a deep breath, pushing himself up. A light floating over to illuminate the area for him. Running hands through his tangled, curly hair as his mind worked on deciphering what the dreams could mean.

Paul wanted to talk to Miranda about the one part of the dream, once again Arrakis and a girl plagued his mind, the girl showing him the way of the desert. He would never dare tell her the second part of the dream where vision blurred with fantasy, a girl showing him the way of the heart.

It was early morning in Caladan, the home world of House Atreides. The sun now steamed through the window. Paul sitting at the table, his mother Lady Jessica, looking over at him. "It's good you're up early. Your father wants you in full dress before the Emperor's Herald arrives." She instructed him as she took a bite of food. Miranda walking into the room, hair pulled back in a tight bun as she wore her military uniform, showing her as a guard.

Paul's eyes lit up some when he saw her"My morning mist." He spoke softly and happily, earning a questioning look for the girl at his choice of names to call her. But soon a smile graced her features as she dipped her head towrads him."Hello, my raven." Miranda greeted him happily.

Something was so dangerously intimate by the words they spoke, using such a daring word as my when addressing each other so casually. It frightened one but excited the other, making them wonder if they meant it when they used a claiming word like my.

The boy looked towards his mother, reluctantly pulling his gaze from Miranda's gemstone eyes. "Full dress? Military?" He asked, a tired curiosity in his low voice, the morning voice that gave Miranda a chill. "Ceremonial." The woman replied, the younger boy sighing softly. "Why do we have to go through all this when it's already been decided?"

"Ceremony. Miranda I had a dress made for you as well." Lady Jessica looked towrads the girl, a look of shock crossing the young guards face as she parted her lips to speak. "Thank lady." She gave her a curt bow, stunned to have a dress made for her. Paul looked at his best friend happily.

"You're welcome." Her reply was simply as she poured some water into a cup. "Hm. Thank you." He said in a small hum. Lady Jessica too a sip of her drink. "If you want it, make me give it to you." She told him, her eyes focused in on him. "Use The Voice."

"Mom, I just woke up." He tried to reason in his rougher morning voice but the woman wasn't fazed as she just gave him a look, placing her hands flat on the table. Miranda watching him curiously, wanting to see how he's improved since the last time she saw him try it.

He sighed some as a focus look crossed his face. "Give me the water." His voice was soft and low, his eyes trained on the cup and not her. Lady Jessica looked at him. "The glass can't gear you. Command me."

Slowly he turned his eyes up to her, her gaze intense as they locked eyes. "Give me the water." His voice came out distorted. Her eyes widened slightly as she picked up the glass moving it a bit before she was snapped out of the daze. She gave him a hint of a smile as she passed the glass fully. "Almost."

"Almost?" He asked in his normal voice, reaching for the glass, Miranda taking the glass before he could get it, earning a playful glare from the boy. "Bene Gesserit skills take years to learn, Paul." She said to add a bit of comfort. "Mm-hmm."He hummed as he reached for the water. "You look tired. More dreams?" His mother observed.

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