Chapter seven

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Miranda watched with keen eyes as

Paul was in the training room, practicing on a wooden dummy. Swinging the blade he had, hitting vital points. The girl mainly being a overseer, watching his form. "Don't stand with your back to the door." Gurney said as he walked into the room. Paul paused briefly before continuing the strikes. "How many times do we have to tell you?"

"Everytime." Miranda said with a cheeky smile flashing towards her father as Paul gave her a hint of a smile at how she teased.

Paul grunted as he swung, dropping to a knee. "I could tell it was you by your footsteps, Gurney Halleck." He replied as the man walked further in to the room. Setting a roll with weapons down on the desk, Miranda moving out of his way. "Someone might imitate my stride."

"I know the difference. Are you the new Weapons Master?" Paul asked as he turned towards the man, walking to put the blade down. "With Duncan Idaho gone, I must make do as best I can." Gurney took off his jacket as he spoke, Paul holding a glass of water.

Miranda looked over the blades that were placed down on the table though today she wouldn't be training she still admired the fineness that went into the making of their weapons.

"Choose your blade." Gurney stated yet the boy didn't turn to face him. "I've had quite a day, Gurney. Give us a song instead." He said with some sass. Miranda's hand flinging to her mouth as she snorted a laugh. Paul's attention going towards her.  "Oh, now that really attractive Mir, very sexy." He teased, the girl narrowing her eyes at the boy. "Rat." She hissed softly. At the nickname Paul arched her eyebrow. "Rat?" He asked her and she nodded but their conversation died short.

Gurney grabbed on of the blades, throwing it towards the boy. The blade embedding in the desk right by his leg. Paul looked down at it and tsked. "That's rude." He said as he pulled it out of the wood, turning just in time to move quickly out of the way as Gurney swung down at him.

Miranda smiled broadly at the way Paul would joke even tiredly and dryly. "Careful dad, don't cut his pretty face. It's all he's got going for him." She said with a soft laugh. Paul giving her a quick wink with a smirk crossing his face. "We know you just love me for my looks and body." He shot back to her not noticing the blush on her face.

Gurney turned the blade in a circle as he eyed the boy. Paul powering up the shield that would protect him from any actual harm. He tapped the blade to his hand watching the shield light up blue before pressing it down, seeing the blue turn to red. "Come on clever-boy." Miranda said as she pulled her knees to her.

Miranda watched him train a lot but sometimes it was hard as she was supposed to protect him but she was aware that he can protect himself.

Paul lunged towards Gurney, the man easily sidestepping and hitting the boy in the back. A small groan leaving Paul's lips as the two turned towards each other again. "Come on. Come on." Gurney urged him, his breathing a bit heavy. Paul was standing in a braced position, fist up and blade on his shoulder before Gurney said that.

Paul stood straight, stance relaxing a bit. "Old man." He said sassily, Gurney let out a breath before swinging. The soft smile that crossed Miranda's lips almost prevented Paul from blocking the hit, but he still got it. The two took turns exchanging and blocking the blade as well as each other's fists.

The device that created the shield beeped as it flashed red near Paul's throat, right where Gurney had his blade. He backed Paul up. "Ah, the slow blade penetrates the shield." He pushed Paul away from him. "Pauly." Miranda said with a small sigh, she knew he could do better then that.

Paul walked away as he gave a shake of his hand, a low groan leaving him. "I guess I'm not in the mood today." He said, Gurney looking towards him. "Mood?"His rough voice repeated.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07 ⏰

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