Chapter five

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Year ten  with House Atreides
*16 and 17* 

She held herself high, she always would

Miranda wasn't the type to bow down before anyone, the whole thing rather shameful in her eyes. The only person who had her utter devotion was Paul but her respect laid with Leto, Gurney and Duncan as well.

But her respect rarely extended to the other guards and soldiers of the Atreides house, every single one of them Atreides born. That maybe the men think that they were better then the young girl though she has bested many in fights.

But the tiger will never admit defeat to the wolf, thinking they were far superior in brut strength and fast reflexes but no matter how brutal the strength it is no match for lethal Intelligence, strategy and frankly pure rage.

"Hello emerald star." Paul greeted behind her, she slowed her strides as she laughed, allowing him to catch up to her side. "You chose the most peculiar nicknames, mouse." Her voice was light as she looked up at him. His eyes danced with mirth. "And you don't?"

Miranda laughed softly as she shook her head. A guard walking near the two casting a sideways look at her. "Beast." He whispered in a small snarl. She let it roll off her shoulders, she could ignore what they said even if it hurt she wouldn't show it.

But Paul wouldn't let it go..he couldn't let anyone talk to no not his...he couldn't let anyone talk to this girl like that. He turned to face the guard. "Pardon me, what did you just say to her?" His voice edged along the calmness he tried to maintain.

"" The guard stammered slightly at the young master Atreides a dressed him, looking back at the girl who looked a bit embarrassed by him standing up for her.

Miranda wasn't used to Paul standing up for her like this, it made her feel shy and greatful but at the same time she was a bit embarrassed by it.

"I belive you referred to her as a beast?" Paul tilted his head slightly.  His eyes trailing across the guard, remembering anything about him that he could tell the man by in future situations. "If I ever hear you or anyone else treat Miss Roswell with any form of disrespect you'll have to answer to me..I may be a kind man but I won't tolerate her mistreatment." His voice took on a form of cold sterness that was unnatural for him.

The man looked at him with worry while the girl he protected looked at Paul with wonder, two very different reactions to the same spoken words. "Yes sir." The guard answered in a professional manner.

The answer seemed to satisfy Paul, the boy turning to Miranda, offering his arm out to her. She paused a  moment before placing her hand on his arm, waking with him once again, oblivious to the glare the guard had sent her behind her back.

"You didn't have to do that." She said in a soft voice as she looked up at him. A smile dancing across his features, shrugging his shoulders. "I did. No one will ever treat you badly as long as I am here by your side. You are the most important girl in my life." He told her flirtatiously, bringing a blush to her pale face.

"You treat me to well, sire." She said pleasantly as she turned away to hide her blush. A tsk left his lips as he placed his free hand on her arm. "Such formalities are not needed amongst us Mir, you should know that." He told her softly and happily.

"And we both know that we are in the ear shot of guards so that I shall be formal, as required of my guarding duties." She told him as she turned her face back up towrads him, watching the amused smile dance across his fine, sharp features.

"Then I'll just have to take you outside or somewhere away from them, fore I much prefer you calling me by my name." He gave her a quick wink.

Paul was falling even more in love with the girl as time went by, he acted shamlessly upon it; flirting and finding ways to sneak gentle touches yet she seemed to shy away from his affections, not due to the lack of them being returned but of having to chose between duty and heart.

She would much rather lay her life down then feed into her own happiness, she would put his life above hers at ever chance she had. It frustrated and scared the boy most of the time, he wished to take care of her, longed to be her protector but alas it was the other way around and seems it shall always be that way.

Year eleven  with House Atreides
*17 and 18* 

Miranda was once again at the sea, alone

Letting the flowers in her hands fall into the sea, this day marked a anniversary to her, one only she knew about and acted upon. She felt the dread and dreary fog hanging over her.

Paul was currently with his parents, eating a early dinner together while they all had the time. "Where's Miranda?" Leto asked his son curiously, the older man fond of the girl.

Paul looked up from his food, his eyes going towrads his father. "You know what day it is, she's at the shoreline like she is every year." He explained with a slight tilt of his head.

Lady Jessica casting her eyes towards her son. "You could always practice using the Voice..figure out why." The woman suggested the idea that ran though her head so many times, curious about what the girl could be doing and frankly the woman didn't care about her privacy, she barely cared for the girl.

Paul's eyes narrowed as he looked at his mother. "I will do no such thing! She can do whatever she pleases without having to answer to anyone." He defended the girl he fell in love with, he would always defend her.

Thank you so much for those who are supporting this story! Seeing the votes and comments mean so much! 

Short chapter but now we can get to the beginning of the movie!!

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