Day 10: Welcome to SEKAI!

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I'm just gonna do specific robloxians/youtubers

Also, this is gonna be my PJSK x RBYT AU (Not RBB no, it's youtubers I like)

There's gonna be
-Leah Ashe/Leah
-AshleyBunni(Please watch her, her taste in fashion is so pretty)

So... Yeah!!! And I'm feeling better👌(See my latest conversation for context)

Miku's POV

It's been getting so boring lately, there's nothing much to do, and barely anyone from the groups come by, it feels like they forgot they still have SEKAIs

Although, all that matters is that the SEKAIs don't shatter into pieces, broken for another word, so then

I want to make it change

By their feelings, I'm able to make another SEKAI and introduce it to them

How do I know their feelings? How will make the SEKAIs?


Yes! I've been analyzing in secret!

And the most information I have in my cabinet of folders (Pretend she has a SEKAI where she puts all her information and such to make SEKAIs there please)

Funneh's SEKAI is called

Alleyway SEKAI

Leah's SEKAI is called

Palace SEKAI

Lego's SEKAI is called

Waterfall SEKAI (If you are his fan or EX fan, yes it's his "peaceful" place game thing on roblox)

Ashley(bunni)'s SEKAI is called

Forest SEKAI

Don't ask why Funneh's in an alleyway

Oh yeah! The others do have a fragment SEKAI themselves, maybe another day I will show them

But who will I show first??? Let's do..... Leah, why not? Ehehe!

Leah's POV

Ahh, what a beautiful day! I hope nothing happens!

Though the view is very pretty at the main balcony, you can see thr park from all the way up here!

It's pretty tall and high up from the ground, a bit dangerous, but it's like I'm gonna fall anyway

Hmmm, I smell something yummy from the kitchen, I wonder if it's Tea Kettle making breakfast

So then, I went downstairs and saw some food on the counter, noice, there was pancakes and cereal, yum

So i grabbed the pancakes and took a seat on the sofa, it tasted good honestly, however after I was done, I got a notification on my phone

Someone sent me a song? It had no name on it, strange.... I didn't think much of it and went in my room, my comfy spot, I decided to check the song thing in my room

So, I opened my phone and tapped on the song, it opened my Spotify so I played it there, although

It wasn't a normal song, IT'S A DARN PORTAL

Particles FLASHED before my eyes and surround me, and before I knew it, I woke up in a palace

It was all white and pink, kinda like heaven but pink instead of gold, and there

A figure was standing in the distance, I tried to make up who it was, and then it turned back to look at me, and spoke

"Hello, Leah"

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