✧ T W O ✧

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❂► T H E   B E G I N N I N G ◄❂

B E F O R E   T H E    F I R E



BECAUSE OF what happened with my legs, I was made an apprentice a few days after Dustpelt and Ravenpaw were. Brindleface still wanted me to have as much of a normal kithood as I could, so she requested with Bluestar that my ceremony be delayed by a moon. Greystripe was made an apprentice alongside me, as Bluestar wanted to expedite the additions of new warriors. Between the tension with Riverclan over Sunningrocks and the ever-looming presence of Shadowclan on our borders, Bluestar was convinced that our only chance to stay on top was to train more and more warriors. Which made sense.

Dustpaw was apprenticed under my father, Redtail. Bluestar must have seen something in him to be willing to apprentice him under the deputy.

Ravenpaw was apprenticed under Tigerclaw, and to this day I can't see why she would allow Tigerclaw to mentor him. Ravenpaw was too nervous of a cat to handle the rough training style that Tigerclaw had. Although I couldn't really imagine anyone else training under him. Maybe Dustpaw, but he might have turned out a different cat if that happened. And I don't know if I could have ever been friends with him then.

The best pairing had to be Greypaw with Lionheart. Greypaw was incredibly extroverted and jumpy, and Lionheart was the exact opposite. Honestly, I don't think any other cat would have the patience to deal with him for the next four moons.

Yes, four, if you could recall, Greystripe and Firestar were made warriors before Dustpelt and I. It's still a sensitive topic. I make Firestar sleep in his own nest when he brings it up.

"Sandkit, you have long passed the age of six moons, and it is time for you to be apprenticed. From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Sandpaw." Bluestar didn't even have to look around, or weigh her options. "Whitestorm. You have proven to be an incredibly patient and skillful cat, and are ready to have your first apprentice. I expect you to pass down all you know to Sandpaw."

Whitestorm dipped his head in understanding and padded towards me from the inner circle of the crowd. He bent down to touch his nose to mine. "Don't worry," he whispered, "I'm just as nervous as you are." If he was nervous, he was great at not showing it. It was pretty easy to tell that I was nervous from my fluffed fur to my quivering tail.

I think pairing me with Whitestorm was also a good idea. Whitestorm was calm enough to keep me under control. Even I'm aware that I have a pretty quick temper. Firestar points that out sometimes. That also earns him a night in his own nest.

"Sandpaw! Greypaw! Sandpaw! Greypaw!" The clan cheered. After Bluestar dismissed the crowd, I was swarmed by a flurry of congratulating cats. The amount of "thanks" that left my mouth probably outnumbered the amount of stars in Starpelt.

When the crowd finally broke from around me, I saw Brindleface and Redtail heading in my direction. Once they reached me, Brindleface circled around me while Redtail stopped in front of me and touched his forehead to mine.

"We're both so proud of you Sandpaw," Brindleface said. Redtail purred in agreement.

"Why?" I said, slightly laughing, "I haven't even done anything yet!"

My parents both laughed. "We're proud of you for not being a mouse-brain and doing something that would make Bluestar mad," Redtail said.

"And overcoming the difficulty with your legs," Brindleface added.

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