Episode 7: ZX Clan

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In the streets of Japan, Zane along with Bill, Jose, Nathan and Tsuyoshi are searching for the home of Z-Cross, the last Masked Rider that escaped from the SHOCKER's.

Zane: I don't get it? What's the ZX Clan?

Nathan: This clan was discovered by a man named Kevin Martin, a man who disappeared a few years ago after his adventure in South America with his sister, Gloria Martin, who was reported died during a plane crash.

Zane: Ugh! I know how that feels.

Jose: So you think this man could be the last Masked Rider we were looking for.

Bill: I mean, he is called Z-Cross. I think he named his clan after himself.

Tsuyoshi: Since my parents were originally born in this country before they moved to America, I think talking to a few people won't be a problem for me.

At SHOCKER headquarters, a intergalactic being known as General Shocker arrives on Earth and approach Lord Shocker to start his mission to takedown the Masked Rider Warriors.

General Shocker: Lord Shocker, my beloved brother. This better be good, our conquest of Planet Edenoi has been running smoothly.

Lord Shocker: I have a bit of a problem and I believe you would take care of it for me.

General Shocker: Is that so? What is it?

Lord Shocker: The Masked Rider Experiment worked perfectly, but now the captives have escaped and plan to destroy everything we created. I need you to track down the Masked Rider known as Z-Cross and destroy him along with the Masked Rider Warriors.

General Shocker: That's sounds like a lot of fun, what's the catch?

Lord Shocker: I'll send you two of my last experimented monsters to help you on your mission to takedown the Masked Rider Warriors.

Lord Shocker snap his fingers to call upon Man-Shark and Man-Elephant.

Man-Shark: Man-Shark at your service, not to be confused by Land Shark.

Man-Elephant: And Man-Elephant is here too.

General Shocker: What's the difference from your pervious monsters that we destroyed by the Masked Rider Warriors?

Lord Shocker: The difference is that I have improved them to become even stronger and more powerful than before. It's time for the Earth to know what happens when they mess with the SHOCKER name.

General Shocker: It will be my pleasure.

Back in Japan, Zane and his friends arrived at the ZX Clan as they explore around the place.

Tsuyoshi: For an clan, there's not that many students in this clan.

Zane: Not really, there's a person right there.

Zane points at a girl who reading some manga on a bench as he walk towards her.

Zane: Um? Hello there, I'm Zane and is this the ZX Clan?

The girl looks confused as she doesn't understand what Zane is saying.

Zane: Right, I doubt you speak English. Tsuyoushi, I need some help.

Tsuyoshi: As usual.

Tsuyoshi walks towards the girl as he starts speaking in Japanese.

Tsuyoshi: 私の名前はツヨシ、こちらはゼーン、ビル、ホセ、ネイサンです。 このクランのオーナーに会いに来ました. (My name is Tsuyoshi, this is Zane, Bill, Jose and Nathan. We're here to see the owner of this clan).

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