In the streets of Japan, Zane along with Bill, Jose, Nathan and Tsuyoshi are searching for the home of Z-Cross, the last Masked Rider that escaped from the SHOCKER's.
Zane: I don't get it? What's the ZX Clan?
Nathan: This clan was discovered by a man named Kevin Martin, a man who disappeared a few years ago after his adventure in South America with his sister, Gloria Martin, who was reported died during a plane crash.
Zane: Ugh! I know how that feels.
Jose: So you think this man could be the last Masked Rider we were looking for.
Bill: I mean, he is called Z-Cross. I think he named his clan after himself.
Tsuyoshi: Since my parents were originally born in this country before they moved to America, I think talking to a few people won't be a problem for me.
At SHOCKER headquarters, a intergalactic being known as General Shocker arrives on Earth and approach Lord Shocker to start his mission to takedown the Masked Rider Warriors.
General Shocker: Lord Shocker, my beloved brother. This better be good, our conquest of Planet Edenoi has been running smoothly.
Lord Shocker: I have a bit of a problem and I believe you would take care of it for me.
General Shocker: Is that so? What is it?
Lord Shocker: The Masked Rider Experiment worked perfectly, but now the captives have escaped and plan to destroy everything we created. I need you to track down the Masked Rider known as Z-Cross and destroy him along with the Masked Rider Warriors.
General Shocker: That's sounds like a lot of fun, what's the catch?
Lord Shocker: I'll send you two of my last experimented monsters to help you on your mission to takedown the Masked Rider Warriors.
Lord Shocker snap his fingers to call upon Man-Shark and Man-Elephant.
Man-Shark: Man-Shark at your service, not to be confused by Land Shark.
Man-Elephant: And Man-Elephant is here too.
General Shocker: What's the difference from your pervious monsters that we destroyed by the Masked Rider Warriors?
Lord Shocker: The difference is that I have improved them to become even stronger and more powerful than before. It's time for the Earth to know what happens when they mess with the SHOCKER name.
General Shocker: It will be my pleasure.
Back in Japan, Zane and his friends arrived at the ZX Clan as they explore around the place.
Tsuyoshi: For an clan, there's not that many students in this clan.
Zane: Not really, there's a person right there.
Zane points at a girl who reading some manga on a bench as he walk towards her.
Zane: Um? Hello there, I'm Zane and is this the ZX Clan?
The girl looks confused as she doesn't understand what Zane is saying.
Zane: Right, I doubt you speak English. Tsuyoushi, I need some help.
Tsuyoshi: As usual.
Tsuyoshi walks towards the girl as he starts speaking in Japanese.
Tsuyoshi: 私の名前はツヨシ、こちらはゼーン、ビル、ホセ、ネイサンです。 このクランのオーナーに会いに来ました. (My name is Tsuyoshi, this is Zane, Bill, Jose and Nathan. We're here to see the owner of this clan).
MKTV's Masked Rider Warriors
Short StoryPS: Credit goes to Manie1234 and RIZROW for the idea of the story of the Masked Rider Warriors. When an evil intergalactic organization known as SHOCKER has arrived on Earth and capture 10 human captives to be part of their Masked Rider Experiments...